Nova Mim

Friday, September 12, 2003

I totally forgot to post this funny story from the other night:

My Jessica Simpson moment...

The first strange thing about this story is that I was buying apples. I don't really like apples. But, as I am trying to health-up my life a bit, I decided to take a lesson from Audrey Hepburn and have an apple after dinner every night. You know... instead of, say, anything containing my weakness; chocolate.

So there I am, standing in the produce section of Giant Eagle at 11:00pm. Why 11:00pm? Because I took a "nap" after work and didn't wake up until 10:15. And since I couldn't possibly miss Newlyweds, I had to wait until 11:00. But back to the point of my story: At first I can only find individual apples. Why I should bother bagging my own apples when they sell bags of apples has always confounded me. Unless, of course, you only want 2 or 3 apples. After much searching, I finally found bags of apples.

I'm checking out the different kinds, you know, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Gala, etc... and I see this sign; Apple/Orange combo $5.50 - directly above and below this sign are these small reddish-orange apple looking fruit. Suddenly I'm convinced that I have just happened upon the greatest discover of the 21 century! "They've figured out how to combine apples and oranges into one yummy fruit??? This is great! Why haven't they ever advertised this?? Can this possibly be true??" The answer of course is no. I then noticed that all of the signs were one place off and that there was, in fact, a display with bags of apples and oranges to the right.

Even though I was alone and knew no one could possibly know that I'd just been thinking something so stupid, I felt a rush of "Why do they call it Chicken of the Sea if it's tuna?" embarrassment go through me. I quickly grabbed a bag of Granny Smith apples and moved on to the deli section glad once more that I'm not on a reality show...

The saddest thing about this story is that I found out the next day that I really hate apples and can't even choke down one, let alone a whole bag... glad they were only $3.


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