Nova Mim

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I found this fun meme last week and just didn't have time to do it. So here it is:

What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with?
J? I really have no idea what it stood for or if the J even had anything to do with his middle name... Junior? Joseph? Jackass?

What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
Brand: Swell
Color: Yellow

What is the song you want played at your funeral?
To Where You Are - Josh Groban

What would your last meal be before getting executed?
I'm anti-death penalty and a pacifist - why the hell am I getting executed?

Beatles or Stones?

If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be?
This is a rather mean question and I'm not a fan of wishing death on people so -nobody.

The person whose problems you would never want to hear again?

What is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the preferred sex?
Must be taller than me - and what I mean by that is at least 2 inches taller than me when I'm wearing 4 inch heels.

Do you secretly hate some of your friendsters but are too nice to reject them?
I don't have any friendsters, thank you.

If you could have any super power what would it be?
I feel I've answered this before... but hey maybe I'll try something new. I'd like Wonder Woman's lasso of truth, which I suppose isn't a super power as much as a super powered weapon?? So, I'll go with flying.

Favorite hangover cure?

How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?
40 proof or less - 5
80 proof -2.5
100 proof - Let's just say that I don't drink 100 proof anymore for VERY good reasons.

Favorite Outkast lyric?
"Shake it like a polaroid picture"

Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?

If you had to be blind or deaf?
Neither for me, thanks!

Do you have any psychiatric problems?
Probably, I'm convinced everyone does.

Siblings that should go to rehab?
This question kinda confuses me... am suppose to carry the "Do you have" section down from the last question or what? I'll just go with no.

Least favorite month?
I'll go with March.

First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?
Either Star Wars or Song of the South or Robin Hood (disney version), clearly I don't remember very well.

Favorite person in the whole world?
This could get me in a lot of trouble so... I love all my peeps the same.

When's the last time you went on a date?
Sooo long ago.

Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?

Fall or spring?

Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
I'm not gonna name names but I'll give you a clue: I don't know his middle name.

If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?
Angelina Jolie

Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?
Wherever life takes me - unless that's a scary, abusive nursing home.

Who is the person you can count on most?

If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors?
Frank Sinatra circa 1955.

What books have you pretended you've read?
Any book I was required to read in High School. These days I'll just flat out admit when I didn't read something.

What's a word you would use to describe your life?

Favorite drinking game?
Shot glass chess

What did you dream last night?
Don't remember.

Favorite bands?
The Beatles & Aerosmith.


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