Nova Mim

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Even though living across the street from 4 bars doesn't help my insomnia during the week, I actually enjoy it on Saturday nights. Right now, there's actually someone howling out there. It's like my own little reality TV show through the window. It's about closing time now, time for all the drunk people to start pouring on to the street... that's usually the best part. There's almost always some girl screaming at the top of her lungs at a guy who I'm sure she declared her love to about 5 minutes before. Seroiusly enjoyable! At least, it keeps me from watching too much Dynasty. At the moment though, I'm being distracted from my window TV with real TV. Just thinking about how I used to date a guy who looked just like Prince Michael on Dynasty, only without the helmet hair. Wonder what ever happened to him...


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