Nova Mim

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

just so everyone knows: I do actually like and know the game of baseball. I don't just* watch because of cute players and things like that.

When Shani and I would name our favorite players a typical remark would be something like this, "I like Omar Vizquel cause he's (1) cute and he's (2) a great shortstop!"** And it was also typical for us to say something like this, "I wish ______*** played for us cause he's so hot."

But the real point to this story is that... well, I'm not sure what my point was. Something about how I'm really enjoying watching this postseason even though I'm not a Yankee's or Marlin's**** fan. Oh, and to link to this article:

Derek Jeter's not just cute but I guess he can play baseball or something, too...

The new Mr. October


**Technically he is cute and a great shortstop.
***Usually Derek Jeter or Brady Anderson.
****REALLY not a Marlin's fan. Go Yankees!