Nova Mim

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Yeah, I know... I suck. Once again I have forsaken my blogging duties. It's just that the last few days have been busy and my mind is in super overdrive. Seriously.

I was trying to sleep Sunday night and new ideas were popping into my head at full speed. I actually designed a freakin' piece of furniture in my head, gave it a cute name, and figured out exactly what I had to learn to make it. I had to get up outta bed, find a pen and sketch it out w/the details so I could remember it later. I thought of at least 5 new projects just last night.

Of course, you all know about my ideas/projects... (I have literally hundreds) they either never get started or never get finished. But I'm feeling energetic and I'm going to declare my 27th year: The year of projects. I'm going to focus on 5 major ideas/projects and lots of smaller ones...

More later - back to busy.


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