Nova Mim

Monday, May 17, 2004

Armageddon?? Where are you?

Amazingly, gays have been legally married in this country for a whole 2 and 1/2 hours and the sky has not begun raining fire. I'm shocked!! Maybe it's a delayed reaction thing? Rocky & Sage still seem to be happily married this morning. Shouldn't their heterosexual marriage have spontaneously combusted right after the first gay couple said I do?

Now, what I am not shocked by is the religious kooks from all over this "great" nation who flew to Massachusetts to hold up signs that say things like: "God Hates Fags." Oh, but he loves judgmental freaks like you, right? You know what I'm guessing God hates? Smug-ass humans thinking they have any idea what His opinions are. In fact, I'm willing to bet that God hates us all and has moved on to create a new universe somewhere. I would if I were Him.

Massachusetts Performs First Legal Gay Marriages


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