Nova Mim

Monday, June 07, 2004

That Darn Cat!

I've gotten so little "real" work done it's sad. So far today I've... put together a cabinet, dropped a cabinet door on my foot, put together a futon, taken Office Dog to the vet, tried not to puke when vet showed me bloody toenail, tried not to puke when vet used the words "ripped" and "bone" in the same sentence, hung out with one of the vet's office cats, rebandaged Office Dog's foot 4 times, shoved 2 pills down Office Dog's throat, taken 2 allergy pills in an attempt to clear up cat allergy, given Office Dog 9,756,432 sympathy treats, tried to de-cat-hair my shirt with scotch tape in an attempt to clear up cat allergy, talked to a potential customer who's also allergic to cats, and sneezed 5085 times. Not much time for real work in between all of that and with the internet being down for half a day.


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