Nova Mim

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I Love Top Ramen

OK, I now that Ramen noodles are horribly unhealthy caused they're fried and have a gazillion mg of sodium but I love them and I'm pretty sure I could eat them everyday for the rest of my life if I had to. I guess I should look into the healthier versions... I used to eat the baked ones but now they're harder to find and not nearly as cheap. I mean nothing against healthy but why would I want to buy healthy ramen 3 for $1.00 when I can get the original for 12 for $1.00?

According to one website I read, the average Japanese person eats about 45 packages a year. And aren't they the healthiest country is the world? So clearly, (much like fast food) ramen noodles can be part of a healthy & balanced diet...


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