Nova Mim

Sunday, April 13, 2003

And speaking of 80's TV... sometimes if I can't sleep on Saturday nights I'll watch reruns of Dynasty on Soapnet. Man, was that a cheesy show. I never watched it when it was on originally but I find it addictive (in a bad sort of heroin way) now. Since I apparently haven't been having trouble sleeping the last few Saturdays I'm completely confused by what's going on now. What happened to Fallon? Where is Kirby? Why does Jeff always live w/the Carrington's no matter who he's married to and who is this red head he's married to now? Why can't the writers just make Steven gay? Who's Amanda and why is she the only one of Blake & Alexis's kids who has a british accent? Why does everyone still hate Adam? Who's this character that Rock Hudson's playing and why does he call Krystal, Kristy? What is going on w/those outfits Alexis is wearing? I only watched 1 and 1/2 episodes before I fell asleep and I have that many questions about the storyline. And how sad was it that poor Rock Hudson looked like he aged 30 years in the 5 years since McMillan & Wife went off the air, although I guess it wasn't really aging as much as dying. McMillan and Wife, now there's a show I could stand to see some reruns of. Maybe the internet can help me out with my Dynasty questions...


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