Nova Mim

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Sorry I couldn't bring myself to blog yesterday, it was recover from Cedar Point day! Feeling a little perkier today, although that may just the sugar-loaded Double Iced Vanilla Latte & two C.C. cookies talking! Me sees a drastic blood-sugar drop at about 3pm...

Anywho - Cedar Point was a blast, my only complaint being that the Top Thrill Dragster is still not up and running on a regular basis. I hear that the problem is that the car can't always make it over the loop at the top! It just goes up, stops, and rolls (safely) back down! Looks like maybe they should have waited 'til next summer to super-promote it!

But the rest of the day was great! The lines were all pretty short, I think the longest wait was 45 mins for Millennium Force. And the weather was perfect, it wasn't too hot, it didn't rain at all and I didn't get a sunburn. Got to ride all the coasters at least once ('cept magnum, which I still haven't forgiven!), rode Raptor, Gemini & Power Tower (once up/once down) 2x each. Ate lots of yummy artery clogging food, including a triple grilled cheese sandwich that looked like it had a pound of cheesy-goodness on it! It was all loads of fun!

Unfortunately, I also had to witness a hideous new fashion trend among teenagey (14-22) chicks... it seems that it the new thing to not just wear really short shorts w/a decidedly bad 80's cut but too make sure those shorts are at least a size too small with an elastic top. Let's just say, this is not a good look on ANY body. In fact, on the 100 or so girls wearing these shorts, I saw only one who pulled it off. And it was because she was a size 0, maybe even a -2... To top off this look, most of these young ladies had on bikini tops or half shirts which might have worked (for a few of them anyway) if their elastic-band shorts weren't so unflattering to their midriffs. Then, as if that didn't make them look bad enough, a select few chose to wear boys socks pulled up with tennis shoes. If there's anything about fashion that every girl should learn, it's that anything that stops mid-calf will make (most everyone's) legs look shorter and thicker.

I have nothing against; "if you've got it, flaunt it" but I think that this needs to be amended to; "if you've got it, flatter it!"

I think this look (at least the shorts) is straight from Sex and the City a couple of seasons ago. And when Carrie wore the 80's shorts (scroll down), they fit her size 2 body correctly and she wore them with stilettos, which gives her 5'4" body supermodel looking legs. And let's face it, she still only look's OK in them!

Ladies, here's a good rule of thumb... if it doesn't look good on Carrie Bradshaw, it ain't gonna look good on anybody! And even if it does look good on Carrie Bradshaw, it's still probably not gonna look good on anybody else!

Somehow my Cedar Point post got off track...


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