Nova Mim

Friday, November 21, 2003

ER last night? That was just dumb... I could think of about 12 other characters I'd rather have smashed under that helicopter than Romano. Here's my top 5 in order:

Abby - god she's a loser... for my sake, put her out of her misery.
The Add a Kid - it's the fucking ER, why is there a non-injured, non-doogie howser kid running around??
Weaver - uber bitch
Malarkey - is it really that easy to fake your way through med school and residency?
Chen - she didn't used to be such a bitch, did she?

Wouldn't it be funny if Romano turned out to be slightly alive and they completely rebuilt him all bionic-like and he walked back into the ER in a couple weeks just as pissed off as ever. Now THAT would be a great story. I mean how dumb is it that he got smooshed by a helicopter and NO ONE noticed. All those witnesses... NO ONE notices some guy just got smooshed, REALLY?????

And what was that whole Chuck storyline - he's dead. No wait - he's alive. Whoa, that's gotta hurt. Oh, nope... nevermind, he's fine. I had a feeling that weren't gonna kill him off what with Susan losing Bob Newhart last week and all... but really.

Meanwhile, who's that wrapped around Carter in the Congo? Why it's Thandie Newton... I'll keep watching because this little twist is bound to piss off Abby.

Abby - worst character ever.

Honestly though, I don't know why I subject myself to this crap.


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