Nova Mim

Monday, June 14, 2004

Did Courteney Read My Mind?

Everyone's going on and on about the "strange" things celebrities name there kids but I'm all for it. And besides, what's so weird about Coco for a girl? Just because a name is uncommon doesn't make it weird. I was just thinking a couple weeks ago what a cute name that is and how there should be more Coco's in the world. And now there will be.

MSNBC - Courteney Cox, husband just cuckoo about Coco

If you want to name your kid Michael, go ahead and do it. I can guarantee that none of my kid's will have a name from the Top 20. Maybe a middle name but not a first name. I don't have anything against any of those names. In fact, I love the names Elijah (currently #37) and Anna (#21) but the more popular a name gets the less likely I'll give it my kid. I just like different and less common names. Like Coco...


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