Nova Mim

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Have I ever told you how much I hate Pedro Martinez? Very. Much.

So, I'm a little worried that he's going to ruin my view of Derek Jeter by playing for the Yankees. I hope he refuses the $50 million offer and that no one offers him $60 million. And then I hope Boston just drops him because he's a annoying putz. And then I hope he signs w/some lame ass National League team and gets belted in the head while batting. Because I hate him...

Report: Yankees to offer Pedro $50 million

Meanwhile, in other sports commentary I have no right to offer, I am so over the EXCESSIVE media attention of the Detroit/Indiana fight from Friday. There was a 20-30 minute story about it on every TV network at the gym this morning. And I'm not saying that it wasn't the most awesome fight ever or anything but still... over it.

The best was Ron Artest on the Today Show. What a freakin' moron... he was trying to be all "I'm the victim" while simultaneously pimping his CD (NBA players should be barred from recording studios, I'm just saying). If anyone deserves losing $5 million in salary, it's this jackass. And that's all I have to say about that...


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