Nova Mim

Monday, June 09, 2003

Looks like I somehow missed Parts 2 & 3 of The Greatest Survey... oh, well... here's Part 4:

The best comedy (movie): Annie Hall Why? Woody Allen at his neurotic best. Proof:
Alvy: Oh stop it, you're having an affair with your college professor, that jerk that teaches that incredible crap course, Contemporary Crisis in Western Man...
Annie: Existential Motifs in Russian Literature. You're really close.
Alvy: What's the difference? It's all mental masturbation.
Annie (counter-accusing him): Oh, well, now we're finally getting to a subject you know something about.
Alvy (defending his lonely sin): Hey, don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone I love.

The best drama (movie): The Godfather Why? "...Don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family... Ever."

The best peanut butter: Reese's (Creamy) Why? Well, have you ever heard of a Jif or Skippy peanut butter cup? Case closed.

The best sandwich: Hardee's Frisco Burger Why? It's got bacon, cheese that's so melty you can't tell it apart from the mayo AND it's on sourdough bread.

The best businessperson: Hugh Hefner Why? He ran his successful empire mainly from his home. In his bed. In his pajamas. Gotta love that.

The best game show: Jeopardy Why? For the same reasons I picked Trivial Pursuit as the best board game... useless knowledge galore.

The best TV drama: Law and Order Why? It's always on and it's always good.

The best TV show (overall): The Simpsons Why? Because it's so good it even managed to win over my Mom.
Homer: (Singing to the tune of the Flintstones) "Homer, Homer Simpson, he's the greatest guy in history. From the town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut tree..."

The best cartoon character: Snoopy Why? If you have to ask than you just don't get it..

The best writer: Truman Capote Why? Because he created my all time favorite character, Holly Golightly.


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