Nova Mim

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Maybe you're all tired reading about how much I dislike our President but luckily I live in a country where I don't have to care what you think.

I know, I know, I should be thankful / impressed by that extra $56 a year I get because of his most recent tax cut but somehow I'm not. Especially since my local tax rate is going up .25% (or $65 per year) so that they can shore up the walls at the local school.

Maybe I'd be more impressed if I was a millionaire getting back $93,000 a year. But I'm not a economist and I'm sure W's "jobs and growth" plan was deemed to be the best solution to nation's current economic problems by many "brilliant" millionaires. Oops I mean economists...

Anyway this all had a point and it's so I could link to the splash page of and you could judge for yourself our current administration's economic success rate. I don't know how long this page will be up so hurry up, peeps!

*But don't judge too harshly because that big "jobs and growth" plan hasn't had nearly enough time to kick in yet. And I'm sure that everything will turn around once all the millionaires have an extra $93,000+ in their pocket.

(*in case you hadn't figured this out for yourself, you should read that last statement in Michelle's sarcastic voice, which I'm sure you all know very well)


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