Nova Mim

Friday, August 29, 2003

Maybe I'm not really getting old and the MTV Movie Awards really just suck because I still enjoy the VMA's... but they did leave me wondering some things:

Do Britney & Christina really hate each other? I've always thought that was just a tabloid rumor but they seemed to be leering at each other during their performance with Madonna.

Why does Madonna insist on singing "Hollywood" all the time? I felt like I was watching another bad Gap commercial. Her new CD was great and I enjoy "Hollywood" but there are better songs on there.

Why did everyone change outfits like 5x? And what is with the hideous golf hip hop fashion? And when did Nicki switch places with Paris as the worse dressed Hilton sister?

Is it just me or were there a lot of videos that must have been nominated a day after they came out? I mean Beyonce's "Crazy in Love," J. Lo's "I'm Glad" and that Evanescence video haven't been out more than 2 months have they?

Does MTV expect me to accept "Cry me a River" over "Hurt" for Video of the Year?

What exactly is the point of the MTV2 award? Let's find the 5 worst videos made in the last year and give one of them a moonman?

OK, that it for now...


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