Nova Mim

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

To Do: ???

I'm still sleepy and therefore am trying to figure out ways to not fall asleep before 10pm...

I could go shopping. Except that I'm so out of money until December (oops).

I could go work out. Again. This is probably the best choice as it would be an energizing activity. But it would also be my 4th workout in 24 hours. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I could rent a movie. But I would so fall asleep because I'd be all snuggled in 8 blankets in my unheated apartment.

I could take a book and sit at a coffee place for a couple of hours...

I could wash my dishes. But then I'd have to wash my dishes.

Oh, I don't know. This is all dependent on me not falling asleep the minute I finish my dinner (a yummy salad, if you must know). Hmmm, I have an idea... maybe I could go to Border's, use my giftcard to buy a book and sit in their coffeeland. That involves shopping (without spending any money), being away from home, reading, and ingesting even more caffeine. If I still fall asleep after that than, well, that would suck.


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