Nova Mim

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Sometimes I wish the friday five came out on thursday to alleviate my afternoon boredom... but then what would I do friday morning? To solve this problem I'm going to create a thursday three for myself and it's going to be really silly & stupid...

Do you ever watch Soap Operas? If yes, which one(s)?
Why yes, yes I do and I'm not the least bit ashamed to admit it. I watch General Hospital the most, although I'll skip weeks or sometimes months at a time. It's pretty easy to catch up on what's been going on. Sometimes, I'll stop on One Life to Live when I'm channel surfing but the only character I was really attached to was Todd and he's not on anymore.

Do you approve of re-casting major characters on soap operas?
While I have witnessed successful recastings in the past, (some of the Spaldings on Guiding Light and Carly on GH come to mind), this is a very rare occurance. There are some characters that are considered so important & the actors that portray them so beloved that the soap would rather "kill off" or send away than recast (like Sonny, Jason, Brenda & Luke on GH and Todd on OLTL). Unfortunately for GH fans, Lucky Spencer is not considered one of these characters by the people who play god at GH and I'm now forced to change the channel every time the 3rd Lucky comes on screen. I can count the times recasts have worked on one hand but the times they've failed is staggering.

If you could be any soap opera character who would you be?
I'd be Chloe Morgan from General Hospital except I'd be alive, married to Jax and having torrid affairs with Sonny & Alcazar. (hey, it is a soap opera!)


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