Nova Mim

Friday, December 05, 2003

Here's a cool thing called 9 layers:

-- Name -- Mia
-- Birth date -- Mid-November
-- Birthplace -- Ohio
-- Current Location -- Akron
-- Eye Color -- Green Hazel
-- Hair Color -- Reddish with remnants of blonde highlights
-- Height -- short.
-- Righty or Lefty -- righty.
-- Zodiac Sign -- Scorpio.

-- Your heritage -- Italian, German, English
-- The shoes you wore today -- My target "ugg" boots.
-- Your weakness -- Available credit.
-- Your fears -- Failure. Spiders.
-- Your perfect pizza -- Pizza Hut meat lover's.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve -- Independent Wealth.

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM -- Hey.
-- Your first waking thoughts -- Howard (Stern), you're so funny but I'm still sleepy so I'm gonna put you on snooze for a bit.
-- Your best physical feature -- My eyes and my hair.
-- Your most missed memory -- I don't really understand this one... how can you miss a memory?

-- Pepsi or Coke -- Don't care as long as it's diet.
-- McDonald's or Burger King -- Burger King
-- Single or group dates -- One on one, please.
-- Adidas or Nike -- Nike.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea -- Hate Iced Tea!
-- Chocolate or vanilla -- Chocolate.
-- Cappuccino or coffee -- Espresso... usually in the form of a latte.

-- Smoke -- Only when I'm REALLY drunk... and I don't ever even finish half of it before I sober up enough to realize what I'm doing.
-- Cuss -- Fuck yeah, even in front of children and grandparents.
-- Sing -- In the car.
-- Take a shower everyday -- Except Saturday.
-- Do you think you've been in love -- I follow the 19-25 levels of love theory so, yep. But never on the really serious levels.
-- Want to go to college -- Not in traditional sense.
-- Liked high school -- Hell no.
-- Want to get married -- I want to have a wedding, but I'm not sure that I'm the being-married type.
-- Believe in yourself -- Yep.
-- Get motion sickness -- Only when reading in cars.
-- Think you're attractive -- sometimes.
-- Think you're a health freak -- I think I could be if I applied myself.
-- Get along with your parent(s) -- Yep.
-- Like thunderstorms -- Yep.
-- Play an instrument -- Nope.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol -- Hell yeah.
-- Smoked -- Nope, haven't drank that much.
-- Done a drug -- Nope.
-- Made Out -- Nope, haven't drank that much.
-- Gone on a date -- Nope.
-- Gone to the mall -- Yep and it cost me a $58 fine because Fairlawn cops apparently have nothing better to do than cruise the mall and look for expired plates.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos -- Nope. And may I say... yuck.
-- Eaten sushi -- Nope.
-- Been on stage -- Nope.
-- Been dumped -- Nope.
-- Gone skating -- What?
-- Made homemade cookies -- Nope.
-- Dyed your hair -- Nope.
-- Stolen Anything -- Nope.

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing -- Hehe, once played a game of Strip Pool but the game didn't last long.
-- If so, was it mixed company -- Yeah.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated -- Ummm, yeah.
-- Been caught "doing something" -- Nope.
-- Been called a tease -- Nope.
-- Gotten beaten up -- Nope.
-- Shoplifted -- Yep. But nothing like Tara Lance used too. Just nail polish and candy...
-- Changed who you were to fit in -- Probably. Every does.

-- Age you hoping to be married -- Wait... didn't I just answer this? Oh, age. I couldn't care less.
-- Numbers and Names of Children -- How many I have? None. How many I want? 3... they are not yet named as they do not yet exist. But I'm willing to tell y'all my favorite names:
Boys - Elijah, Lucas, Jasper, Linus.
Girls - Sachi, Jacinda, Anna, Ariadne.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding -- Super fab-u-lous. Pretty formal with guests being served at the tables. Beautiful REAL flowers. Lots of booze. Gorgeous AND yummy cake. Did I mention it would be super fabulous.
-- How do you want to die -- Rich and thin.
-- Where you want to go to college -- I don't.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up -- So much...
-- What country would you most like to visit -- Italy.

-- Number of drugs taken illegally -- If you count prescriptions that didn't belong to me - 2.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life -- 3: Me, myself and I.
-- Number of CDs that I own -- 200ish.
-- Number of piercings -- Technically 2; 1 in each ear.
-- Number of tattoos -- 1 - dragonfly on my lower back.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper -- 2-3.
-- Number of scars on my body -- About 6 but 4 only I notice; 2 burn scars on my left leg, 1 lead scar on my chest (where my brother stabbed me with a pencil when we were kids), 1 car accident scar below my right eyebrow, at least 2 chicken pox scars, one on my tummy and one on my left forehead.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret -- I don't believe in regrets.