Nova Mim

Friday, August 20, 2004

Yeah, It's Olympic Fever

Alright, now that remembered that they're on, I'm clearly loving the Olympics. I watched pretty much the whole 5 hours last night and even enjoyed the all the swimming... I especially enjoyed the women's gymnastics though. I forget how impressive that balance beam is... it's hard to believe I could ever even stand on one let alone do cartwheels & flips on it. But enough about me...

Unlike Wednesday's men's all-around competition, I didn't know the outcome of the women's finals. I was so nervous when Carly Patterson started her floor routine that I fast forwarded to see if she won or not and then went back and watched it. It was all very dramatic in my TV room... and now we have both the men's and women's champions. Yea for us.

Leap to Glory

I feel a little bad for Carly Patterson though because she's now being dubbed "the new Mary Lou"... isn't Patterson's achievement a little more impressive given that Mary Lou won in a boycotted year? I didn't hear mention of that at all after she won and usually the announcers love bringing up the boycotts. It's like Mary Lou's feat has achieved a myth-like status where you shall not tarnish it by mentioning it in the same breath as the boycott. And I've got nothing against Mary Lou, I enjoy her Sprint PCS commercials a bunch... I'm just saying.

And how about that crazy Russian chick... I'm sorry I didn't get to see her freak out again. That girl has some major issues. You can totally tell none of the announcers or press like her. And I don't blame them, even if she's at the top of the sport she clearly doesn't respect anybody so why should anyone respect her?

Then there was that whole swimming drama: Will those super low rise swim shorts stay up? Oh, wait that wasn't it. So Aaron Peirsol (total hottie, btw) wins a gold medal by like a mile and then same asswipe judge disqualifies him for being American, oops, I mean an "illegal" turn:

Peirsol wins gold after DQ overturned

Whaa?? And the Austrian guy who won silver was like, "That's bogus. You should protest." Now I don't usually fall for conspiracy theories involving politics and sports but it was all very suspicious. And I wouldn't have thought of it if the Austrian guy hadn't said it first.

But really, what I want to know is - how do those shorts stay up?

Not that I'm complaining or anything...


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