Nova Mim

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Happy Turkey Eve!

So, I know you're all dying to know how I conquered the sleepies last night. I took a nap. HA! There was no stopping it... I ate my dinner (the previously mentioned salad... in a GIANT martini glass. hee) and promptly fell asleep (which is so bad for digestion, btw). The good news is that I woke up refreshed after just 40 minutes. Then I went to Border's, tried to find some books (once again confusing the words philosophy & psychology {dumbass}), glared at the punk-ass bitch who cut in line, bought a CD (Gwen Stefani), went home, watched Scrubs, The Real World & Laguna Beach, and went to bed. Exciting, isn't it?

And now it's today. I had a nice workout this morning even though the TV's were all still going on and on and on about the basketball fight. But that's what mp3 players are for. Now I'm at work where one boss gave us half a day off while the other boss baked us cookies. Awesome Turkey Eve...


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