Nova Mim

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Elia Kazan directed some of the most extraordinary films ever and, in my opinion, that is what he should be remembered for first and foremost. My favorite Elia Kazan movie (and one of my all time favorites) is Splendor in the Grass with Warren Beatty and Natalie Wood...

Elia Kazan

Don't make Rocky angry... you wouldn't like her when she's angry.

Especially if she's cold and angry at the same time. She might pull her ninja-SEO skills out and let the world know that you have crap-ass customer service:

Gene's Refrigeration and Heating – Bad service

And you know she's angry if she blogged about it.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Finally Congress does something more useful than renaming French Fries...

House votes for do-not-call registry

I agree with this article:

To end "Friends" break them up

I don't want to see Ross and Rachel get back together. Again.

This is another new show that looks good to me:

Reuters - TV Review: Miss Match

But, once again, NBC; I have better things to do on Friday nights.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Just so you all know... I love the new show "Las Vegas." Sadly, that is almost always the kiss of death for a new show...

I've sorta been ignoring my blogging duties lately... I'm taking an HTML class and all of my spare thoughts have been going towards my new blog design. It's going to be cool, very Me, but it's still gonna be awhile before I debut it. Until then, I'll try to maintain my crazy blogging pace of the past.

I've also been ignoring lots of people lately but in all fairness, my phone ain't ringing either. Anyway, I'm not being very selective in who I ignore, it's a large group of my peeps and it's for no particular reason & most likely only temporary. I just needed a break from the madness... I'm sure you know what I mean.

Everytime I hear about some bible-thumping area refusing to air a TV show, it's makes me want to watch it even more! In this case it's "Coupling" - or as I like to call it: Naked Friends...

The series has been dropped by two Stateside stations, with one channel boss claiming its racy sexual content "pushes the envelope well beyond the boundaries of our community's standards".

Coupling falls foul of US morality police

Saturday, September 20, 2003

I want one of these bags:

Kim White Handbags

I like the 1975 Buick and the 1975 AMC Gremlin.

Thanks to Tummy Monsters for the link...

Captain Quack Rubber Duck Quiz

I found the link to this fun quiz on Buzz-a-roni...

Whoa! Sage's new home theater rocks! Very cool... we watched Shanghai Knights and Spiderman and we played video games... Dead or Alive 3 is even better on a 91 inch screen. Hmmm... they're never getting rid of me now!

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Of all the new shows about to appear on my TV, the only one that I'm going to make an effort to watch is Las Vegas on NBC. It looks pretty cool. And It's on a night when I don't have any devotion to any shows... I'm also intrigued by Miss Match and would like to continue watching Boomtown but NBC must be on crack if they think I'm staying home on Friday's for them.

Totally Tube 2003 - Fall TV Grid

From Page Six:

"Girls Gone Wild" mastermind Joe Francis on party girl Paris Hilton: "When she's sober, Paris is a pretty smart girl."

Howard Stern: "When is she sober?"

"Sunday night," Francis joked.

Just getting you in the mood for:

The Fabulous Life of The Hilton Sisters

On VH1; 11pm tonight.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

What a difference 5 years makes?

I'm not entirely convinced that this is a picture Posh & Becks:

That's (supposedly) them circa 1997 and here they are around 2002:

Holy transformation, Batman!!

Hmmm... Go Fish! drinking question... must answer.

I'm actually one of those freaks of nature who didn't start drinking until they were 21 but I think I've made up for it since. :-)

Girl that I am, I tend to like girly drinks that taste like kool-aid. Kool-Aid with benefits.

My drinks (in order of appearance)

Purple Rain
Alabama Slammer
Amaretto Sour

Insert bottled drink phase here:

Mike's Hard Lemonade
Lynchburg Lemonade
Orange Hooch
Haight Ashbury

End bottled drink phase.

Banana Red MD (aka Mad Dog/Mogen David) w/orange soda
Frozen Margarita
Lynchburg Lemonade (real not bottled)
Rude Cosmopolitan
Apple Martini
Bailey's on the rocks

These days my drink depends on my money situation -

Money: Blue Fin
No Money: Banana Red MD w/orange soda

The Blue Fin

2 oz. Absolut Citron
1 oz. Hpnotiq
3 oz. White Cranberry Juice

Shake ingredients well with ice and pour into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with gummi fish (Swedish Fish).

Friday, September 12, 2003

This is by far the best tribute to John Ritter I've read so far today...

News: Here's why we'll remember John Ritter

I loved his guest spots of the past few years on some of my favorite shows; Scrubs, Felicity, Ally McBeal and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I stole this from Go Fish! because I couldn't resist posting it (I put my personal favorites in bold):

It seems the headquarters of the Republican National Committee is leaking like a sieve. Someone apparently got their hands on the slogans under consideration for the 2004 re-election campaign, and the list is making the rounds on the internet.
Actually, I don’t know where this list originated, but thanks to Professor Pinkerton for sending it along.

Bush/Cheney `04: Apocalypse Now!
Bush/Cheney `04: Because the Truth Just Isn’t Good Enough
Bush/Cheney `04: Compassionate Colonialism
Bush/Cheney `04: Deja-Voodoo All Over Again!
Bush/Cheney `04: Four More Wars!
Bush/Cheney `04: Leave No Billionaire Behind
Bush/Cheney `04: Lies and Videotape But No Sex!
Bush/Cheney `04: Or Else.
Bush/Cheney `04: Over a Billion Whoppers Served
Bush/Cheney `04: Putting the “Con” in Conservatism
Bush/Cheney `04: Thanks for Not Paying Attention
Bush/Cheney `04: The Economy’s Stupid!
Bush/Cheney `04: The Last Vote You’ll Ever Have to Cast
Bush/Cheney `04: This Time, Elect Us!
Bush/Cheney `04: We’re Gooder!
Bush/Cheney: 1984 Now
George W. Bush: A Brainwave Away From the Presidency
George W. Bush: It Takes a Village Idiot
George W. Bush: The Buck Stops Over There
George W. Bush: Let Them Eat Yellowcake! Vote Bush!
George W. Bush: Peace & Prosperity Suck -- Big-Time!
Vote Bush in `04: “I Has Incumbentory Advantitude”
Vote Bush in `04: “Because Every Vote Counts -- For me!”
Vote Bush in `04: “Because I’m the President, That’s Why!”
Vote Bush in `04: Because Dictatorship is Easier
Vote Bush in `04: Who Would Jesus Bomb?


Now that it's official, I can't decide if I want to spend money I don't have to see a Simon & Garfunkel concert... the tickets are $52-$227! Which means I could only get the nosebleed seats... and I'm not very found of Gund Arena to begin with. Having seen a Neil Diamond concert from the top section, it's not really worth it.

Grrrr... I was kinda hoping to see them.

I totally forgot to post this funny story from the other night:

My Jessica Simpson moment...

The first strange thing about this story is that I was buying apples. I don't really like apples. But, as I am trying to health-up my life a bit, I decided to take a lesson from Audrey Hepburn and have an apple after dinner every night. You know... instead of, say, anything containing my weakness; chocolate.

So there I am, standing in the produce section of Giant Eagle at 11:00pm. Why 11:00pm? Because I took a "nap" after work and didn't wake up until 10:15. And since I couldn't possibly miss Newlyweds, I had to wait until 11:00. But back to the point of my story: At first I can only find individual apples. Why I should bother bagging my own apples when they sell bags of apples has always confounded me. Unless, of course, you only want 2 or 3 apples. After much searching, I finally found bags of apples.

I'm checking out the different kinds, you know, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Gala, etc... and I see this sign; Apple/Orange combo $5.50 - directly above and below this sign are these small reddish-orange apple looking fruit. Suddenly I'm convinced that I have just happened upon the greatest discover of the 21 century! "They've figured out how to combine apples and oranges into one yummy fruit??? This is great! Why haven't they ever advertised this?? Can this possibly be true??" The answer of course is no. I then noticed that all of the signs were one place off and that there was, in fact, a display with bags of apples and oranges to the right.

Even though I was alone and knew no one could possibly know that I'd just been thinking something so stupid, I felt a rush of "Why do they call it Chicken of the Sea if it's tuna?" embarrassment go through me. I quickly grabbed a bag of Granny Smith apples and moved on to the deli section glad once more that I'm not on a reality show...

The saddest thing about this story is that I found out the next day that I really hate apples and can't even choke down one, let alone a whole bag... glad they were only $3.

Crazy... According to Page Six: David Letterman is secretly married and about to become a dad! I must admit that I've had a crush on Dave since 9th grade so I'm a bit jealous.


I'll never understand why people choose to watch unfunny Leno over the LOL Dave every night...

Hehehehe!! This is funny...

Entropy House Productions Presents - Lord of the Peeps

Holy shit! This is a bad day for celebrity news...

Johnny Cash, the Man in Black, Dies

I'm still pissed off that MTV didn't give him more than one award for his "Hurt" video. That video was so powerful... it made me cry. Now I'm double sad...

Oh. my. god. This is so sad...

Sitcom Star John Ritter Collapses on Set, Dies

Maybe just because it was so unexpected. Or maybe it's because I grew up watching Three's Company everyday, like 3x a day... anyway - it's sad.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to this movie?

Daily Essential -

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Ok, what schools are these people talkin' about? I don't remember being taught only about America's failings and flaws, just the opposite in fact. But hey, if they're serious about balance in teaching our history, I'm all for it. As long as their idea of balance isn't: Sure 10,000 innocent people died but we meant well so it all balances out. I'm also for them teaching more history than math, using more materials than the outdated & often erroneous textbooks and screening documentaries that allow the student to feel the history more. They shouldn't be afraid of showing the horrors of history; all of them. I do agree that some of our freedoms aren't emphasized enough which is why people don't seem to care when they're threatened. And I think the importance and privilege of voting should be drilled into every child's head from very early on. But that's just one girl's opinion...

Report says schools are unfair to America

Monday, September 08, 2003

We all know Andre's always my favorite but with him out in the semi's, I was glad to see Andy Roddick win the US Open yesterday...

A Brash Young American Comes of Age

Besides all the rain messing with the schedule at this year's Open, there was an awful lot of whining from foreign players about the American atmosphere. Hello? It's the US Open. It's in New York. No one complains when the British fans go Henman-crazy every year at Wimbledon. I'm sure the local fans at the Australian Open love them some Mark Philippoussis. Etc... Of course the home crowd is rooting for Agassi and Roddick and Capriati, etc. So just stop whining and play tennis.

Oh, that Billy Bob. He sure has a way with words:

''I don't think either one of us knows why we split up,'' he told the Associated Press this week. ''It was like, say you're going to a nightclub one night with your friends and you're in line and the next thing you know there are guys with helicopters and there's machine-gun fire and you don't know what happened. And that's kind of like what our breakup was like.''

"Maybe the true patriotism—the best nationalism—is enlightened internationalism..."

Time for a New Patriotism?

Friday, September 05, 2003

Apparently, there are some people who go to Disneyland nearly everyday:

Keepers of the Magic Kingdom

Lucky bastards.

Programming note:

I have a lump in my throat just reading the article about this American Experience documentary airing on WVIZ Monday @ 10pm:

‘Center of the World’ fitting tribute

Thursday, September 04, 2003

I'm really not morbid, I swear. But I found this site and had to link to it:

West Stone Works

They have the most beautiful mausoleums and memorials I have ever seen. You should check out their gallery.

Stunning. works. of. art.

Maybe I should re-think cremation... and take out a larger life insurance policy.

Wait... there is a Tennis Channel! Now the question is why don't I get it????

What is with all the rain messing with the US Open this week? And why won't the USTA just extend the tournament one lousy day so the players don't have to play 4 matches in 4 days? The US Open is the only time I really get to watch tennis... why isn't there a tennis channel so I can get my tennis fix 24/7? There's a stupid-ass boring golf channel! Grrrr...

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Oooh... a sequel to Before Sunrise?????? I've been waiting a good 9 years for that one:

Untitled Before Sunrise Sequel on

Oops.. it would help if I completed my programming note:

"Arthur Miller, Elia Kazan and the Blacklist: None Without a Sin" airs at 9:00pm on WVIZ...

Programming note: 9 times out of 10, I forget my own programming notes so I hope someone somewhere occasionally takes my suggestions...

A Friendship in the Crucible

I just started reading 'The Crucible'... I think I read it once before but it's very possible I slept through that class. Anywho - this time in America has always intrigued me, I mean everyone was so crazy paranoid that they actually threw Charlie Chaplin out of the country!

Oh, the lessons we should have learned...

It's been at least a couple of weeks since I linked to anything Beckham, so to make up for it:

Posh retains best dressed celebrity title

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Labor Day weekend all I wanted to do was sit around and watch The US Open but everytime I tuned in it was raining. So they show tennis reruns and they always show the same match; some Jimmy Connors match from 1991. I saw this match when it was on live 12 years ago and I think I've seen the rerun 12 times. It's as if they think it's the only memorable match from the last 15 years... it's not. Trust me.