Nova Mim

Thursday, October 30, 2003

I wonder if Red Sox management is on crack...

Red Sox place Ramirez on waivers

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Smucker's website is making me mighty hungry. I could go for some toast w/grape jelly or some pancakes w/blueberry syrup or ice cream with magic shell... in fact, I could even skip the ice cream and just eat the magic shell. Or do you need the ice cream to make magic shell work?

Oh, Ohio... just as I'm about to curse you and your fucked up weather system, I read that it's going to be in the 70's to kick off November. Well, one day in the 70's anyway.

Why is blueberry tea red?

Not blue, not purple but red...

More importantly, why is there no caffeine in the one flavor of tea I like?

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I know the Series is over and I already blogged about this but this has to be the funniest quote I've read - ever - about a baseball player:

"In the first inning of the next game, Yankees starter David Wells yanked himself because of back spasms. The day before, at a news conference, Wells mocked players who stay in shape, saying that for him it’s not necessary. Would anyone like a double helping of Karma with fudge sauce on top?"

Thomas Boswell - Washington Post


Found courtesy this MSNBC article.

Oh... those French:

Homeless gnomes gather dust in France

I'll take one! Gotta lawn to go along with it?

I watched SpiceWorld last night and I just have one thing to say:

The headless chicken can only
know where he's been,
he cannot see where he's going.

Some people just annoy me...


Or as I like to call him... nevermind.

I suppose I should be thankful that he called me to tell me that my Dad's probably going to lose his house. Gee... thanks Brian. Is that what a raging out of control wildfire 5 miles from his home could mean??? Glad you cleared that up for me.

He's on my list of about 3 people who I need a good 2-5 year break from. And we're only 6 months into that timeframe... so it's probably a good thing that I didn't hear my phone ring and only had to deal with him through voicemail.

Oh... but he had good news, too. He's a dad to a newborn baby boy, Bradley.

He'd like me to call so we can talk about that and my dad's house.

I'm doing fine... thanks for asking.

Monday, October 27, 2003

My love for my new haircut is wearing off as I realize it only looks good if I spend 30 minutes on it. The layers are about an inch away from where they need to be. Oh, well... I'll forget all about it after a couple weeks.


#1 Perk of having business cards: Winning stuff!

I just won some sort of party for 25 people at Jillian's!


Now that the world series is over (no comment), I'm having trouble thinking of things to blog about... I had something earlier but it popped right out of my head the minute I opened my browser.


Friday, October 24, 2003

I promise this will be my last post about the World series today...

Did anyone else find it hilarious that David Wells left the game w/back spasms after the first inning less than 24 hours after he said this:

"I'll leave the working out and conditioning to those guys, forever. They can write a book or do videos. They can make money on that, on how to last 20 years in the big leagues by conditioning. I'll write the one, 'How Not To Work Out.' We'll weigh the both of them."

Now, I'm not denying that he's a great pitcher and has done very well without the conditioning. But when you get paid so much to just do one thing and the success of that one thing is directly effected by your health... wouldn't you take that more seriously? And if you had made an significant investment in this guy, wouldn't you insist he follow a good conditioning program to lessen the risk that he would have to exit Game 5 of the World Series w/back spasms after one perfect inning? Just asking.


Ever wonder how I got so smart? (Humble, aren't I?) The answer is that I suck up useless facts like these anytime I'm even slightly interested in a subject: - Useless Series Info

Begin World Series Vent:

Stupid Yankees... they can't even do what I want when I'm rooting for them.

End World Series Vent.

Update/Correction: There are conflicting reports that Laura will only be 28 tomorrow. Oops...

It's birthday time around here which has inspired me to give birthday shoutouts on my blog so...

Happy Birthday to Rocky who turned 30 on Wednesday and has not become a loser as she predicted! We're finishing up her super-delish birthday cake in the office as I write.

Happy Birthday to Mike who celebrate's on Saturday! I pretty sure he'll be 28. 28 going on 15. But we all love him just the same. I'm thinking of getting him food for his present... he's always hungry for some reason.

Happy Birthday to my cousin Laura who's 29th b-day is also Saturday! She's currently enjoying a visit from her parents who are meeting her fiance for the first time. Yikes! No pressure there.


And that concludes this edition of Michelle's birthday shoutouts.

Since there's no Friday Five today and I can't think of anything else to write, I'm gonna steal the idea of naming my five favorite songs at this moment in time... I'm not going by playlists on my PC but by CD's and radio most listened to in my car.

That Day - Natalie Imbruglia

America - Simon & Garfunkal

Can't Hold Us Down - Christina Aguilera w/Lil Kim

Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne

Crazy in Love - Beyonce

Thursday, October 23, 2003

In my defense... from

yummy: used to describe a person who's really damn hot.
Example: rachel leigh cook in antitrust for the people are inclined to liking girls and brat pitt in fightclub for the people who are inclined to liking boys.

So the question is... if not yummy then what?

---Derek Jeter? Well-formed.---

It just doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely as YUMMY.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Yuck... looks like they tried to reality-tv up the Cannonball Run a couple of years ago...

Cannonball Run 2001

Why ruin a good thing?



just so everyone knows: I do actually like and know the game of baseball. I don't just* watch because of cute players and things like that.

When Shani and I would name our favorite players a typical remark would be something like this, "I like Omar Vizquel cause he's (1) cute and he's (2) a great shortstop!"** And it was also typical for us to say something like this, "I wish ______*** played for us cause he's so hot."

But the real point to this story is that... well, I'm not sure what my point was. Something about how I'm really enjoying watching this postseason even though I'm not a Yankee's or Marlin's**** fan. Oh, and to link to this article:

Derek Jeter's not just cute but I guess he can play baseball or something, too...

The new Mr. October


**Technically he is cute and a great shortstop.
***Usually Derek Jeter or Brady Anderson.
****REALLY not a Marlin's fan. Go Yankees!

Now I understand why Tom loved this bar so much...

Drugs, gun, cash seized in cafe raid on square

Didn't this guy play the "doctor" in Cannonball Run? It sure looks like him... luckily I have to power of the internet at my fingertips.... Ah-ha! It was him. He was hilarious in that movie.

Wild-eyed movie villain Jack Elam dies

Speaking of the Cannonball Run... do they still have that race?

I think Page Six and the NY Post need to move to a better server or something because I have more problems opening that site than any other... it drives me crazy! Some days it works, some days it's agonizingly slow, and some days I have to refresh like 9 times to get the content to pop up. When I need my gossip, I need it NOW!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2003


I just got my haircut and now I'm enjoying flipping it around... I wish I could afford a stylist to do my hair everyday.

And in about 30, I'm going to quit working and head to Best Buy to get me some Indiana Jones and maybe some Charlie's Angels.

I bet the Visa people love me. And will continue to until I can longer afford to pay my bill.

Monday, October 20, 2003

So there we (me, rocky, sage, martin) were at Panini's in Lakewood on Saturday night to get some dinner and drinks before my cousin Shawna's housewarming party... they have something like 25 TV's for your World Series viewing pleasure. Their cheesy fries made me really miss the cheesy brew city fries at Jouster's... but that's not the point to this story.

You know those Visa commercials with Derek Jeter and George Steinbrenner? After seeing it about ten times in one hour I started to think...

When Visa voiceover guy says, "We're everywhere you want to be" does he mean in Derek Jeter's pants? Cause that's what I'm thinking... hehehe.

Now that there's definitely a game 5 in the World Series, I suppose this means Must See TV will be reruns again this week. As if everyone in the world wants to watch every second of the World Series...

Don't you hate when you make a shopping list in your head and then try to write it down and can't remember half of it?

Friday, October 17, 2003

Just because of this: Pamela Anderson urges KFC boycott

I'm having KFC for dinner... and PETA can damn me to hell for it for all I care.

Programming Note:

I can't wait to see this show:

Kid Notorious

If you don't know who Robert Evans is, run out and rent The Kid Stays in the Picture. He's quite a character.

Anywho - the show airs Wednesday, 10:30pm on Comedy Central.

I'll admit I'm not much of baseball fanatic when the Indians suck but I occasionally pay attention in the post season... of course coming from a city that has one of these so-called curses, I was rooting for the Cubs and the Red Sox. After watching both series go to a game 7, neither one of those teams deserved to be in the World Series this year. But since I like to blame one player instead of the whole team (is Jose Mesa burning in hell yet?), I'd like to take a couple low shots at Pedro Martinez and Kerry Wood.

Could Pedro Martinez be a little more arrogant? This isn't exactly a new opinion of him but hello???? 7th game, 8th inning, against the New York Yankees. You're not a god you stupid fucker. There is just no reason he should have stayed in that game, I don't care if he is consistently the best pitcher in baseball...

It's harder for me to take a shot at Kerry Wood cause I don't think I've ever seen him play before but dude, don't bother hitting a home run if you're going to keep giving them away to the other team. Idiot.

But what I really learned from this postseason experience: (so far anyway)

1. Don't ever trade Babe Ruth!
2. Just let a goat in to Wrigley Field!
3. I don't care if he's a Yankee... Derek Jeter? Yummy.

And now I must cheer for the Yankees because I hate the Marlins more... plus I like watching Derek Jeter jump up and down.


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Yeah, I know... I suck. Once again I have forsaken my blogging duties. It's just that the last few days have been busy and my mind is in super overdrive. Seriously.

I was trying to sleep Sunday night and new ideas were popping into my head at full speed. I actually designed a freakin' piece of furniture in my head, gave it a cute name, and figured out exactly what I had to learn to make it. I had to get up outta bed, find a pen and sketch it out w/the details so I could remember it later. I thought of at least 5 new projects just last night.

Of course, you all know about my ideas/projects... (I have literally hundreds) they either never get started or never get finished. But I'm feeling energetic and I'm going to declare my 27th year: The year of projects. I'm going to focus on 5 major ideas/projects and lots of smaller ones...

More later - back to busy.

Friday, October 03, 2003

I just wrote a super long post and lost it all...

I decided to do the Friday Five for the first time in forever:

1. What vehicle do you drive?
Serendipity - a 1997 Pontiac Sunfire

2. How long have you had it?
4 years

3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
I like the stereo and there are buttons for it on the steering wheel which is handy, especially for road trips. Also handy for road trips is the cruise control, which I turn on when my legs get tired and (don't try this at home kids) then I put my legs up on the dashboard to stretch them.

4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
It's a piece of crap... oh, wait that's probably too general.

Annoying thing #1: It stalls every two months, then takes 5 minutes of revving the gas to get started again. Luckily I can always tell when it's going to happen so that I can quickly pull over or turn into a parking lot. Then it's fine, for at least the next two months. But I'm pretty sure that one day it won't start again. I took it to the dealer to find out what was wrong with it but they couldn't get it to "act up" so they couldn't run the tests. So I went to pick it up and it stalled in their parking lot while the kid was bringing it up front. Unfortunately, he revved the engine to get it started again, so it failed to "act up" for them while they had it for another week and a half.

Annoying thing #2: There's a new recall every few months. Which reminds me, I have to call and schedule the latest one. Something about a bearing coming loose while making left turns at low speeds.

Annoying thing #3: It's not that old and I've had to replace the transmission, the front brakes 2x, the tires 2x, the water pump and a couple other things I'm blocking out in anger right now. Grand total of the added expenses: almost $5000.

Annoying thing #4: I think people like to use it for target practice. This is not really Serendipity's fault. But it has more dings than anyone car should be subjected to. the biggest "ding" of all happened in a parking lot 3 years ago and has an estimated cost of $1500. Needless to say, it's still there. And I hope the bastard who did it and then drove away gets his/hers some day.

Annoying thing #5: The power door locks only work on the passenger side.

5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
Ah, a if money was no object question... my favorites. I'd have a silver Mini Cooper, a navy blue Vespa, and a black Jaguar (S-Type)... this of course doesn't include all of the vintage cars I'd have "if money were no object." And all of my new cars would have power windows, doors, mirrors, seats, and moonroof.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

This has to be the most idiotic excuse yet for "Operation Iraqi Freedom"...

Saddam 'may have bluffed' on WMDs

From what I remember, Saddam was constantly denying that Iraq had WMD's right up until the day we invaded. Never once do I remember him taunting us with (must be said in playground taunting voice for full effect), "I've got nukes, nana nana boo boo. I'm gonna blow up the world and you can't stop me!"

I mean, how stupid to imply that we were somehow "snookered" into invading a country... is that going to make the President, Secretary of State, the Pentagon, the CIA, etc. look better?

My brain hurts just thinking about it all.

I decided to watch Angel this year to keep up with the Buffyverse... plus there's nothing else on on Wednesday. I loved it during the first season but was pissed when they killed off Doyle and didn't follow it that closely the last 2 seasons. I thought the season premiere was pretty good. I miss the old Cordelia but not recent Cordelia and it probably wouldn't make sense to just jump her back 2 seasons. Hopefully they will bring her back at some point.

Anywho - I'm excited to see what they do with Spike and Harmony was hilarious. At the end, after Spike appeared, when she's peeked her head around the corner and says "blondie bear?" Priceless.

Hopefully, it be able to keep my interest.