Nova Mim

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


This is serious fun!


Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Mary-Kate's the Cokehead

I heard rumors but now that such a highly-regarded publication as the Star is reporting it, it must be true:

I love me some celebrity gossip but I just can't pick up Star or any other overly tabloidly tabloid. US Weekly is my cut-off point. Besides, Star has some dumb deal with J. Lo where they won't publish anything about her. What's that about?

And no matter what MK is in rehab for, the important thing is that she's in rehab.

Ashley's the Fat One...

I'm reading this article about how Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen have no chance of individual careers. Because we still can't tell them apart. Which is probably true, even though Mary-Kate currently has darker hair and is now known as the anorexic one (personally, I don't think that Ashley can possibly weigh even 5 lbs more than Mary-Kate). As for their chances of ever having seperate careers, I think it's too early to tell. Who knows if they even want to? Besides, that's the least of their problems these days.

And is this true?
But the Olsens are dealing with a lot more than that. Don't forget, they became famous as "Full House's" Michelle Tanner. Producers didn't want it known that she was played by twins, so they were credited as Mary Kate Ashley Olsen. In essence, they had to compete for one identity.

I swear, I always knew Michelle was played by twins. But that was 1987, so I hardly trust that memory.

Meanwhile, how did a crap-ass show like "Full House" stay on the air for 9 years?

Monday, June 28, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

Every American should see this movie... it's so disturbing what Bush & Buddies are getting away with. But at least he's not having consensual sex with an intern, right?

'Fahrenheit 9/11' breaks records

Banking For Dummies

For anybody's future reference, if you make a phone payment with a check number and then write that same check to someone else, it will be okay. At least at my bank. They won't even charge you a pay-attention-dumbass fee...

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Crazy Yoga Man

OK, so we have this new guy in our yoga class and he's... interesting. I feel a little like some random homeless guy walked into the Y and decided to yoga with us. He's constantly in the wrong position which is distracting to me. AND the teacher spends so much time fixing him that the rest of us are stuck holding the position until we're ready to fall over. Plus, he's a loud breather and a talker. I like my yoga class quiet, thank you!

Yeah, I'm a bitch. I've never pretending I wasn't.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Radio Mia

98.1 has finally stopped playing only Like a Prayer... Friday they played Express Yourself and today it's Vogue.

It's about fuckin' time.

Where'd My Weekend Go?

I feel a little like I didn't have a weekend... maybe it's because I didn't get my usual 25 hours of sleep. Hee. I was up before noon on both Saturday & Sunday. Shocking!! I'm not tired or anything... in fact, I can't seem to sit still today. I'm using every excuse to get up and walk around. Anywho - here's the breakdown of what I did on my weekend:

Friday night:

Lil' nap
Phone calls to Shani, Martin & Mom
10:00 Movie: The Terminal
DVD inventory (over 150!!)
4:00am Bedtime


8:30 Wake-up
Bank & Starbucks (Venti Double Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino)
10:45 Arrive: Mom's
12:30 Arrive: Seville Yard Sales
Visit the families
Eat "Fair" Fries
Eat ice cream cone
4:00 Score cool wooden drafting table
5ish Exit: Seville Yard Sales
lil' nap
7:30 Dairy Mart for Water & Slushie
8:00 Arrive: Shani's
9:00 Miller Bros for movie & Jojo's
Movies: School of Rock & Big Fish
1:45 Exit: Shani's
2:30 Arrive: Home
Band of Brothers: Episode 1
4:00am Bedtime


11:00 Wake-up
Noon: Target for kid gift
12:30 Realization: Should have gone to Barnes & Noble
1:00 Exit: Target w/cute but $$$ board book
1:30 Arrive: Mom's
Fight to wrap book in tissue paper
2:15 Arrive: Dylan's 1st Birthday Party
4:00 Realization: Dylan's in the top 5 of cutest almost 1 year olds ever
5:30 Exit: Party
RSVP Yes: William's 2nd Birthday Party
6:30 Call: Happy Father's Day!
7:15 Exit: Mom's
7:45 Barnes & Noble
Score bargain book & Tall Caramel Frappuccino
8:15 Target
Score a bunch of lil' stuff I only kinda need
9:00 Arrive: Home
Band of Brothers: Episodes 2-4
Midnight: Bedtime

End Weekend

Selling My Life

So I think I'm gonna have my big garage sale (at my mom's) on July 15, 16 & 17... which gives me almost 4 weeks to go through everything I own both at my apartment & my mom's house. If all goes as planned I will be ridding myself of lots of stuff and making a decent amount of money in the process. Hopefully enough so that I can move by October. I've devised a system to help get ready for the garage sale & have a clean/organized apartment when I'm done:

I took blank index cards & a sharpie and listed every cleaning/organizing job and every garage sale job I want to get done in the next 4 weeks. Then I folded them up & threw them into a couple shoeboxes. I'm going to do one job from each box EVERYDAY until it's all done. That way it will all get done and I won't be overwhelmed...

At least, that's what I'm hoping.

Friday, June 18, 2004

GH babies

I know, I know... I went on and on about GH yesterday but I had to comment after I saw Elizabeth's baby on yesterday's show. I'm wondering where soaps find such freaky looking children. It's bad enough that Michael on GH bears no resemblence to any character let alone Carly & A.J. but now... it isn't so much an ugly kid but this baby has the biggest head I've ever seen, it looks completely ridiculous next to Elizabeth's tiny body. This baby's head is literal bigger than Elizabeth's head. WTF?? This baby is 3x the size of Morgan who was "born" like 6-7 months earlier. It's disturbing to watch.

That's another thing about soaps, why do some kids get the go away come back teenager or adult treatment and others we have to put up with their whole childhood? Like Brooklyn is already 15 or 16 years old but Lulu is older but still (presumably) a kid. Another good example, Lucky should be older than Jason but he's not. AND Georgie was born when Maxie was 6 or 7 but now they're like the same age. Maybe it goes by how old the parents look... I mean I wouldn't believe Brooklyn as a teenager if the new Lois wasn't all old haggy looking. And Michael, how about they send him away for a few years. Please?

And yes, I know I'm insane.

J. Lo, Jr.?

I couldn't give a rat's ass if Britney gets married again but I had to quote the best line of Page 6 today:
The pop tart, who just had to call off her Onyx Hotel Tour due to a bad knee injury, moved her dancer boyfriend, Kevin Federline, lock, stock and trucker hat into her New York and Beverly Hills homes after her arthroscopic surgery early last week.
hehehe, that's a good one.

Thursday, June 17, 2004


I just walked downstairs to fill up my water bottle and walked right back up with the still empty bottle in my hands. Did I mention I need a vacation?

Just one more thing

I forgot one:

Someone pushes Tracy off a cliff (preferably the entire Quartermaine family)


Things that could make General Hospital way better:

Sam & Jason get together for real
Courtney & Jax get together for real
Nicholas regains his memory this summer
Someone pushes Mary off a cliff (preferably Emily)
Someone pushes Skye off a cliff (preferably Luke)
Someone pushes Faith off a cliff (preferably Jason)
Someone pushes Rick off a cliff (preferably Sonny)
Lucky becomes likable again (and stops being a cop)
They don't really bring back Laura
Jax becomes likable again
Sonny finds out he's Christina's father
Sonny & Carly send Michael to boarding school
Carly gets a smaller storyline for at least 2 months
Nicholas & Emily get married & are happy for at least 2 months
They find a new love interest for Alcazar
They don't show too much of the horrible new Lois
They don't let Ned sing again
They don't let Brooklyn sing again
They don't let Sage sing again
They stop letting anyone sing unless it's Miguel and he's played by Ricky Martin again
They bring back Lucy & Kevin
Felicia & Mac stop being background fillers
Luke & Felicia get together for a bit
Every character on the show stops trying to get Courtney & Jason back together
They recast all the teenager roles except Sage

Of course, I wouldn't expect all this to happen overnight or even this summer... and I don't want all these couples to get together and stay happy forever or anything. I'm just tired of fast forwarding through all but two storylines (and it's pretty bad when I fast forward through Luke, Jax, Carly & Sonny storylines).
That is all.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Seriously people, if you're not reading Boondocks you're part of the problem.


I Have Fond Memories of Submarine Tag

I just heard Sage say, "I have fond memories of dodgeball."

Hee. Those are words I never thought I'd hear from anyone in my lifetime. He must have been really good at dodgeball, that's all I can think. He also swears that he never had to do that President's Challenge thing. I'm suspicious about that one.

I don't think I have any fond memories of P.E. - but recess that's another story. Clearly Westfield's playground was built way before lawsuits ruled the world. There was one playground moniter to watch over an acre of danger. We had a huge slide built on a hill so when you walked up the ladder you were at a weird angle. And a huge wooden climber with a scary bridge. One time in 1st or 2nd grade this kid Matt was standing underneath the climber bridge when a sixth grader jump on it. It split his head open something nasty. Even though he ended up being fine we dubbed it the "Climber of Death" after that (I didn't say we were clever 2nd graders). From then on, recess was split up so that little kids were "safe" from big kids. There were also balance beams that us lil' gymnasts used to do cartwheels & flips on and off of. Yikes. I'm lucky my spinal cord is intact. Then there was this giant metal climber that kids would climb up to slide down the middle pole. Kids used to fall off that thing constantly. Broken wrist here. Sprained ankle there. And don't even get me started on those wood chips that "cushioned" the fall. Ah, good times.

Of course, I never got hurt on any of that crap. No, it was the tether ball that nearly did me in. OK, I'm being dramatic again but have you ever got the tether ball rope twisted around your hand when it's going full speed? Ow. Technically, I only chipped a bone in my right middle finger but it coinciding with the President's Challenge and ruined any hope I had of do a chin-up. The dumb bitch P.E. instructer made me hang there anyway. Double Ow. And then she made me try to climb that f*cking rope, too. It was all quite painful, trust me.

None of that stuff is there anymore. No hill slide. No balance beams. No cool wooden climber. I feel a little sorry for kids these days with their wussy plastic playground equipment. But they'll always have wood chips.


I'm starting to feel oppressed by titles...

I'm super sleepy today and I really wish I wasn't. But all my wishing isn't doing the trick. Which is why I broke my no pop rule. And my no M&M rule. I keep thinking that if I get lots of work done this week then maybe I'll have time to take a day off next week. But that's not helping.


Sex and the City

I watched Sex and the City on TBS last night and wasn't a bit disappointed. I was wondering how much they would cut and it wasn't too much. There was only one time where I noticed a little dubbing.

I expected them to start from the beginning but that's not until next week. This week they're showing what they call the 10 best episodes. Which makes me think about the time I promised to list my 10 favorite episodes... which I never did.

I'll add that to my things to get done this week.


I just realized that when I changed templates, I never put my links back up...

I'll try to get on that sometime this week.

All Flip Flops Go to Heaven

I fear my favorite pair of shoes are not long for this world...

Maybe I'm being overly dramatic, they might last another 6 years. But just in case, I'm shopping around for a new pair that I can wear in slowly before the end comes (more drama). Where, oh where, will my new fave flip flops come from? Old Navy again? Target? Online maybe? I found a couple of good links via MSNBC's shopping section:

Karma Loop

We'll see what I find.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Good Looking People

There are some unusual people on my magazine covers this month. Not that the people themselves are unusual but the choice to put them on the cover sounds odd...

First up - David Beckham on the cover of Vanity Fair:

Now you won't hear me complain that the shirtless Becks is on the cover. I mean, look at him... I thought it was just another rumor like when Posh & Becks were going to be on the cover of Vogue last year. So I was happy when I opened my mailbox and Becks popped out. But I do expect that there will be more than a few letters in next months issue. Why? Cause he's still not very known in America and he's not considered very high culture and people are dumb. I'll take him and Posh anytime. And if you don't know who David Beckham is then you don't read my blog enough.

I get Vanity Fair and Elle in the mail on the same day. So when I found Becks in my mailbox, he wasn't alone. Xtina was in there, too:

I wouldn't have thought that Christina Aguilera would ever appear on a fashion magazine cover but she does and she does it well. The pictures from the article were gorgeous:

And I gained new found respect for her when I read that that Evanescence chick thinks Christina "goes against everything feminism stands for."

I thought about that for a half a second and then said, "the fuck?" I may not agree with everything Xtina says or does or wears but she's pretty much the living definition of true feminism. Sure, she's not a poster girl for the puritanical bullshit feminism that Amy Lee is thinking of. But I'll take her over a girl singing love songs to God any day. Therefore, I promise never to refer to her as "Super Skank" again.

The Terminal

I'm way behind on my summer movie list. Mostly, I'm letting the reviews get in my way. Well, reviews and sleep. Anywho - I'm going to go see The Terminal this weekend.

Film Review: The Terminal

Sofia in a Can

Francis Ford Coppola makes some decent wine and I've always wanted to try his champagne, named after his daughter Sofia. I love champagne (more than I love Isaac Mizrahi). Now I can get Sofia in a can. A cute can with a matching straw. Just like those cute tiny bottles of champagne that you drink out of w/straws. But without the danger of putting your eye out when your opening it.

You know I'll buy it.

A can, and a plan, for this sparkling wine

Isaac Mizrahi

I love Isaac Mizrahi. Love him. Love his TV show. Love his clothes. Love his movie.

I was sooo excited when Target announced that he was going to have a line of clothes there. Then I saw the first collection and was mostly disappointed. But lately they've been better and better. And now, he's back with a real collection of clothes I'll never be able to afford but can dream about. And at his fashion show last night, High/Low, he mixed his new couture clothes with his Target line. Very cool. Of course, most of what I loved was couture...

Watch Isaac Mizrahi's High/Low Fashion Show.

Monday, June 14, 2004


I just squished a gigundous spider in the bathroom. I admit that my fear of spiders might be slightly unreasonable at times. For instance, if the thought of one pops into my head while I'm in bed, I get out of bed and remove all covers & pillows to make sure there aren't any in bed with me. Just thinking or writing about them makes me ill. I get all freaked out and feel like there's something crawling on me.

So, there was no way I could let this one live. So big, so black, so gross. And once I see one... I can't relax until I know it's dead. Unfortunatley, I missed with the first try and then I had to coax him back out of his hiding place by stunning him with windex and then slam! I closed the window on him. It's a bit much I know but you didn't see it.

Did Courteney Read My Mind?

Everyone's going on and on about the "strange" things celebrities name there kids but I'm all for it. And besides, what's so weird about Coco for a girl? Just because a name is uncommon doesn't make it weird. I was just thinking a couple weeks ago what a cute name that is and how there should be more Coco's in the world. And now there will be.

MSNBC - Courteney Cox, husband just cuckoo about Coco

If you want to name your kid Michael, go ahead and do it. I can guarantee that none of my kid's will have a name from the Top 20. Maybe a middle name but not a first name. I don't have anything against any of those names. In fact, I love the names Elijah (currently #37) and Anna (#21) but the more popular a name gets the less likely I'll give it my kid. I just like different and less common names. Like Coco...


I hate when a bruise shows up on my body and I don't know when or where it happened. This happens mostly on my legs but today I noticed a bruise on my right wrist. Wha?? You'd think I'd have noticed injuring myself there... it's pretty big and shaped a little like a U.

The only thing I can think of that may have caused it happened last Wednesday. The dumb office couch bit me when I was putting the legs on (it's really a futon posing as a cool modern couch but that's beside the point). But that seems like an awfully long time for a bruise to manifest.

Then again maybe I smooshed it when I was struggling to get my bike in and out of my apartment building yesterday. But I don't remember doing anything...

Un-Manic Monday

Does anyone else have such a hard time getting through Monday? I know it probably has to do with the fact that I sleep in unreasonably late on Saturday & Sunday but... that's what the weekend is for. The good news is that I dragged my ass out of bed early this morning & got to work at 9am sharp which means I can leave at 4:30 if I want. But I have a bunch of shopping to do so maybe I'll take a quick nap on one of the new office couches before I leave. That way I can shop, get home and do some cleaning...

Friday, June 11, 2004

Yea Ohio!

I wouldn't have pegged Ohio to make a rational decision concerning anything but I'll give them credit on this. OK, maybe that was harsh...

Anywho - they picked a electronic voting system that has a paper trail. Good for them.

Ohio votes yes on e-voting

That's a Bit Much

While I do think that Reagan ignored AIDS for way too long, I wouldn't call him a murderer. I think that's going quite a bit too far. And I also don't blame him for AIDS. AIDS would be here no matter who was President in the 80's. The point is that he (and others) not only ignored it but misled the American people about it. And it might not have gotten so out of hand and we might be further along in research, etc. if the ignorance about the disease had stopped at the government. Instead they not only didn't go out of their way to stop the myth that it's only a gay disease, they also did plenty to perpetuate the state of fear & denial concerning AIDS. And a little funding would have gone a long way in those early days.

You'd think this "you get what you deserve attitude" towards AIDS would've ended years ago. But Page Six's statement that AIDS is "a disease spread through unsafe sexual practices and illicit use of hypodermic needles" proves otherwise. Of course, that's true. But the underlying cruelness of the context of that statement is disturbing. What does it matter how someone gets a disease? It doesn't make it any less tragic. People can get cancer through all sorts of unhealthy habits but people don't go out of their way to point that out. And don't even start with me about the continually idiocy of the government concerning education on any matter sexual. Abstinence is dandy but not the least bit realistic.

On a sidenote, at the beginning of the epidemic it was also in the blood supply. A fact that was suspected quickly then proven and still ignored by the government long enough for plenty of people to contract the disease from blood transfusions and other ways. GRRR... this all makes me angry.


Thursday, June 10, 2004


This week's Reaganmania has me wondering a few things...

1. Why doesn't every President get a State Funeral? Is it their choice or their families or what?

Nevermind... MSNBC has answered this for me. Presidents, former presidents and presidents-elect are entitled to state funerals. But it's the family who gets to choose. Also anyone who the President says can have a state funeral gets one. Which explains why of the 30 people who've had state funerals, 20 weren't President.

2. What is going on in our government that it'll cost $66,000,000 in lost productivity to shut down for one day? When the hell is Washington ever productive?

3. Why were Reagan's boots backwards on the riderless horse?

4. Why are Reaganites so crazy? Why should we spend MILLIONS to put his face on the dime or the $10 bill or Mount Rushmore?

Until we have a national surplus of 2 trillion dollars, I think we should stop wasting money on changing our money. And Mount Rushmore? Come on... let's calm down people. Nobody is gonna forget him if we don't carve his face onto a big rock.

California Here We Come

Teeheehee... I think this is a great idea.

Orange County Considers Calling Airport 'The O.C.'

In fact, I have a few suggestions for some other airports:

Dallas Southfork Airport
WKRP in Cincinnati Airport
Miami Vice International Airport
Honolulu Hawaii 5-0 Airport
Boston Public Airport
The Streets of San Francisco Airport
Chicago Hope Airport

And why just TV?

Escape from New York Airport
L.A. Confidential Airport

And if these shows are a hit maybe Las Vegas will consider a change to:

The Casino Airport
Dr. Vegas Airport

Ok, I'm done now...

Blockbuster Bill

I got a bill from Blockbuster yesterday informing me that I owe a late fee of $4.05... WTF? What kind of video rental place sends out bills for late fees? Like I'm never going to rent another movie? And I'm not going to write them a check and mail it when it's 2 miles down the road and I'll be there NEXT TIME I RENT A MOVIE. Geez.

And I'll probably go and the blockbuster guy who likes me will take the late fee off my account anyway. Maybe I should wait until there's some lame holiday... last time he took off my late fee & gave me a free rental because it was EASTER!!! What? Who gives late fee breaks & free rentals in honor of Easter? He's always giving me extra free rentals. I'll earn the occasional free rental with blockbuster rewards but I'll rent 3 movies and only pay for one. In fact no matter how many movies I rent I've never paid for more than two. Which is why I don't mind paying late fees when I get them cause I probably didn't pay the original rental fee to begin with. And the best part is that I'll probably never have to date him cause he's married.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

It's a Boy!

Rocky & Sage had their ultrasound yesterday and they're having a boy. So now the name search begins. Any suggestions?

They've already turned down Jesus Christ, so don't go with that. I haven't thought of anything better than that yet... anywho - congrats to them.

The real purpose of this post was to see if my new post name showed up... I always wanted it to say Mia instead of Michelle. And now it does.


You'd think the New York Post could afford a website that actually worked. I like to read Page Six before I start the actual work part of my day. But 3 hours hours later, I still haven't read it today because not one page of their stupid site will load. Yesterday it was 3:00 before it worked. Bastards. How am I suppose to concentrate w/out all my gossip????

Maybe She's a Non-Practicing "Strict" Catholic?

I love how J. Lo & Mark Anthony are being all secretive about the fact that they got married and she's pregnant. He's all like, "Y’all know I don’t talk about my personal life." Whatever.

I soooo saw him & his last wife on VH1's All Access Celebrity Weddings. With all the details of their 5 trillion dollar 2nd wedding. At least she's not trying to play that card. No, J. Lo's got an even more laughable card to play.

The "strict catholic" reasoning her friends are giving for their shotgun wedding is HILARIOUS. This says it all:
Tattle's no expert on Catholicism, and we're certainly not here to judge (well, maybe a little) but isn't part of being a "strict Catholic" not getting married three times and not getting pregnant out of wedlock?

Yeah, she's just Jenny from the Church, isn't she...

Canned Air

That can of air that's used to clean off keyboards might be the best invention ever. I wish I had more stuff to clean off w/canned air...

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I'm Bursting with Fruit Flavors

It's not even right that it's already the 10th anniversary of Reality Bites... but if it means there's a special edition DVD in my near future then I'm cool with it. And only $12.99 at Target.

I'm Going With... Yes

Is the rest of the world catching on?

J-Lo pregnant?

Monday, June 07, 2004

That Darn Cat!

I've gotten so little "real" work done it's sad. So far today I've... put together a cabinet, dropped a cabinet door on my foot, put together a futon, taken Office Dog to the vet, tried not to puke when vet showed me bloody toenail, tried not to puke when vet used the words "ripped" and "bone" in the same sentence, hung out with one of the vet's office cats, rebandaged Office Dog's foot 4 times, shoved 2 pills down Office Dog's throat, taken 2 allergy pills in an attempt to clear up cat allergy, given Office Dog 9,756,432 sympathy treats, tried to de-cat-hair my shirt with scotch tape in an attempt to clear up cat allergy, talked to a potential customer who's also allergic to cats, and sneezed 5085 times. Not much time for real work in between all of that and with the internet being down for half a day.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

The Good and the Bad

After less than 24 hours of the media's non-stop Reagan lovefest, I'm declaring Ronald Reagan the most overrated president of the 20th century. Certainly, I'm not saying good riddance or anything. It's a sad thing for his family and friends and I feel for their personal loss. Especially his wife, Nancy, who pretty much says her life "began" when she met him. And it has to be a million times more difficult to watch someone slip away slowly like he did. But...

I know he was popular when he served and he's certainly not the worst President ever *cough-W-cough* but they're painted a pretty unrealistic picture of how great he was. You'd think he'd tore apart the Soviet Union with his own 2 hands or something.

There are 2 things I always think of when I hear Ronald Reagan's name. One is positive and one is not. I'll start with the positive: His speech from the oval office after the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded. I've always thought it was a great speech. It was my first real memory of a politician and he seemed like someone to look up to that day and the weeks following. Let's face it, he was easy to like.

But unfortunately that memory for me is overshadowed by how long the Reagan adminstration ignored the growing AIDS epidemic. 40,000 americans had died of AIDS before he ever bothered mentioning it in a speech. Think of the thousands of lives that may have been saved if the government had started testing the blood supply earlier. Think about how much further along science could be in the research for a cure or vaccine if the proper funding had been given. And I know that just as it wasn't Reagan alone who ended Soviet Communism, it wasn't just him who ignored the AIDS crisis. But imagine for a minute, if West Nile virus kills 1,000 americans this summer and the President never mentions it... wouldn't that piss a lot of people off? Now times that number by 40 and imagine how pissed off I am. The president has a duty to protect all Americans and the fact that he'd allow the entire country to live in prejudicial fear & denial about a growing health crisis because he and his administration viewed it as a gay disease even long after science had proven otherwise is just wrong. Beyond wrong.

And that's how I'll remember Reagan. The good and the bad. Like I said, just because I don't agree with someone's politics it doesn't mean I wish them death but I also don't think we should pretend that he never did anything questionable in his life.

Ahhh, J. Lo...

So crazy J. Lo (or Lola as she's trying to be called these days) got married AGAIN, eh? Well, third times a charm I hear.

I bet she's knocked up.

You heard it here first. And I'm much better at celebrity predictions than I am at sports.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Documentary Summer

I've always been really into documentaries and since there's not many new programs on in the summer, I'm declaring it Documentary Summer. So far this week I've watched one about Cary Grant and one about Prince Charles. But this weekend is a good one to kick Documentary Summer into full gear. There are about a billion D-day retrospectives on on Sunday in honor of the 60th anniversary. Here's a little guide to them (from the NY Times):

"10 DAYS TO D-DAY," History Channel, 6 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 5 p.m., Central time.

"DATELINE NBC," "Tom Brokaw Reports: D-Day: A Leap Into History," NBC, 7 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 6, Central time.

"D-DAY: A CALL TO COURAGE," CNN, 7 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 6, Central time.

"D-DAY DOWN TO EARTH — RETURN OF THE 507th," WNET, 7 p.m., Eastern time; check local PBS listings.

"D-DAY: THE LOST EVIDENCE," History Channel, 8 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 7, Central time.

"D-DAY: REFLECTIONS OF COURAGE," Discovery Channel, 8 and 11 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 7 and 10 p.m., Central time.

"WARSAW RISING," CNN, 8 p.m. Eastern and Pacific times; 7 p.m., Central Time.

"D-DAY PLUS 20 YEARS: A CBS REPORTS," WNET, 9 p.m.; check local PBS listings.

"MAIL CALL — D-DAY SPECIAL," History Channel, 10 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 9, Central time.

"RETURN TO NORMANDY WITH TOM BROKAW," Discovery Channel, 10 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 9, Central time.

The NY Times also has a great article about which ones are worth watching (free registration required):

Revisiting the Drama of the Longest Day

Thursday, June 03, 2004

I'll Stop Now

I'm officially out of the sports prediction business...

No encore for Capriati at French Open

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

And Then There Was One

From now on I'm just going to pick random tennis players to win major tournaments. That way maybe someone I like will actually have a chance:

Gustavo Kuerten BRA (28) 2 6 4 66

David Nalbandian ARG (8) 6 3 6 78

Poor Guga... can't seem to catch a break. I blame the hair.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


After having ignored the French Open for an entire week, I'm ready to make my predictions of who will win. Which means that they will most likely lose in the next round... anywho:

Men's Champion - Gustavo Kuerten (Guga)
Women's Champion - Jennifer Capriati

I was surprised to even see Guga in the draw because he hasn't been around much in the last couple of years. But if he can win any Grand Slam, it's this one. On a completely irrelevant note, he shouldn't have cut his hair. His floppy curly hair w/headband added to his charm... see:

But now:

I'm just saying...