Nova Mim

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Paris Goes Fug

Hee. I love when celebrities show up in public looking fugly... it really brightens up my day. Case in point, Paris Hilton:

She looks 45 in this picture. Horrible hair, leather skin and those lips... wtf? Stop with the collagen! It never looks good. And I hope that's a wig. She should slow down on the plastic surgery especially considering she's already had a little surgical enhancement and she's only 23.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Oh chichi Monchichi...

Ha! Urban Outfitter's has the best stuff... including a Monchichi. Cool. I still have my Monchichi from long ago, it no longer has hair though. There was this girl in our neighborhood who's last name was Munchick and guess what her nickname was? Hee. We used to sing the Monchichi song at her until her older brother threatened to kick our lil' kid asses. Ah, good times.

Urban Outfitter's also has the gopher from Caddyshack which I would totally get if it did the little gopher dance. Cause that would rule... I might still have to buy it though. After all, one of my dogs is named (Gopher) after this particular pop culture icon.

They also have the Millenium Falcon that I have always coveted. Only $80!?

Happy Turkey Eve!

So, I know you're all dying to know how I conquered the sleepies last night. I took a nap. HA! There was no stopping it... I ate my dinner (the previously mentioned salad... in a GIANT martini glass. hee) and promptly fell asleep (which is so bad for digestion, btw). The good news is that I woke up refreshed after just 40 minutes. Then I went to Border's, tried to find some books (once again confusing the words philosophy & psychology {dumbass}), glared at the punk-ass bitch who cut in line, bought a CD (Gwen Stefani), went home, watched Scrubs, The Real World & Laguna Beach, and went to bed. Exciting, isn't it?

And now it's today. I had a nice workout this morning even though the TV's were all still going on and on and on about the basketball fight. But that's what mp3 players are for. Now I'm at work where one boss gave us half a day off while the other boss baked us cookies. Awesome Turkey Eve...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

To Do: ???

I'm still sleepy and therefore am trying to figure out ways to not fall asleep before 10pm...

I could go shopping. Except that I'm so out of money until December (oops).

I could go work out. Again. This is probably the best choice as it would be an energizing activity. But it would also be my 4th workout in 24 hours. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I could rent a movie. But I would so fall asleep because I'd be all snuggled in 8 blankets in my unheated apartment.

I could take a book and sit at a coffee place for a couple of hours...

I could wash my dishes. But then I'd have to wash my dishes.

Oh, I don't know. This is all dependent on me not falling asleep the minute I finish my dinner (a yummy salad, if you must know). Hmmm, I have an idea... maybe I could go to Border's, use my giftcard to buy a book and sit in their coffeeland. That involves shopping (without spending any money), being away from home, reading, and ingesting even more caffeine. If I still fall asleep after that than, well, that would suck.


Have I ever told you how much I hate Pedro Martinez? Very. Much.

So, I'm a little worried that he's going to ruin my view of Derek Jeter by playing for the Yankees. I hope he refuses the $50 million offer and that no one offers him $60 million. And then I hope Boston just drops him because he's a annoying putz. And then I hope he signs w/some lame ass National League team and gets belted in the head while batting. Because I hate him...

Report: Yankees to offer Pedro $50 million

Meanwhile, in other sports commentary I have no right to offer, I am so over the EXCESSIVE media attention of the Detroit/Indiana fight from Friday. There was a 20-30 minute story about it on every TV network at the gym this morning. And I'm not saying that it wasn't the most awesome fight ever or anything but still... over it.

The best was Ron Artest on the Today Show. What a freakin' moron... he was trying to be all "I'm the victim" while simultaneously pimping his CD (NBA players should be barred from recording studios, I'm just saying). If anyone deserves losing $5 million in salary, it's this jackass. And that's all I have to say about that...

And Then I Was Sleepy...

I have suddenly been stricken by severe sleepiness... and the diet pepsi that I'm downing tastes stale. Is that possible? I'm also really cold. And did I mention that I'm sleepy?


I got tired of using hey, howdy, hi & hello as greetings so I came up with heylo!... what do you think? Heylo! must always be directly followed by a exclamation point. That's just the way it is.

Moving on... Bally's totally sucked so I joined the Shaw JCC (Jewish Community Center) which is the most awesome place ever. All new equipment, indoor/outdoor pool, tennis courts, spinning room, etc... and everyone there is so nice (unlike Bally's where they are smarmy & kinda creepy). I'm in love with the JCC and I'm not afraid to admit it!

I also love Thanksgiving week... 3-day weeks rock! America should adopt the 3-day work week. I think that I'm waaay more productive in a 3-day work week then a 5-day work week. Or maybe I just seem more productive cause I'm so busy... I don't know.

Um, yeah... that's all I got today.

Friday, November 19, 2004


So, it's 10:38am and I've been at work for 3 hours... what the fuck? Sage and I were going to walk today but it was raining and someone's afraid he might melt. Hee. Kidding.

And since I was up and ready to go at 7:15, I thought I might as well just go straight to jail - I mean work - without passing go (or even starbucks). Just now, I took a quick break to go get some coffee at Jack's which I'd forgotten even existed. It was pretty good, $3.00 for a mocha and no wait... probably because they're in a super dumb location. But it's great for me.

Now I'm going to call the Jewish Community Center and schedule a tour because Bally's sucks and they're already stalking me. And they're evil.

The awesome thing about getting here at 7:30 is that I get to leave at 3:30. Awesome.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

That's Kinda Sad, Really...

I just got 100% on Hello Magazine's celebrity HAIR quiz. Even I'm a little disturbed by that...

Love. Angel. Music. Baby.

Listen to Gwen Stefani's new cd before it hits the stores @

My favorite song, so far, is Rich Girl. Any song that's set to the tune of If I Were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof is OK by me. I already had a feeling I'd buy the CD and now I'm sure.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Blah... birthday's over and today I woke up in a I-hate-the-world kinda mood. My not-really-sleeping sleep is back after 2 weeks of awesome. actual. sleep. On top of that, I have lost my mp3 player which is messing with my wanting-to-workout mojo. And I'm pretty sure I have some horrible moldy hostess cupcake disease lurking in my system...

My cure for this case of blahs is to watch Elf tonight. If that doesn't instill some cheer into me, nothing will.

Thursday, November 11, 2004


So you all watch Scrubs right? I know you must because it's the best sitcom on TV right now and who'd wanna miss that? Well, on this week's episode there was this running joke about Turk's new cell phone number: 916-CALL-TUR. The Scrubs people did the smart thing and made it an actual working number with messages from the cast. Because, you know, there are always those people who will dial TV or movie number (I remember how many people tried to call god after seeing Bruce Almighty). Anywho - it's kinda fun. Watch Scrubs!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Told You So

Here is the adorable Indiana:

So Cute

I met Indiana tonight and he is sooo adorable... I'm hoping to be able to post a picture tomorrow.

Monday, November 08, 2004

More Birthday Fun!

I'm still recovering from birthday fun, part 1, but that's not stopping me from moving forward with Saturday's plans... hehehe. I love birthdays!

Time Magazine

I wish this was really the cover of Time, that would be great:

Creepy Express

OK, I'm sure the story behind the technology behind The Polar Express is probably quite interesting but I can't get past how creepy the movie looks...

'Tomorrow's technology' is true to 'Polar Express'

Indiana Sage

Yea! He's finally here! Indiana Sage Lewis was born @ 8:46pm on Sunday, November 7... woo-hoo! Congrats to Rocky & Sage!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Friday Puff n' Stuff

1st - New Star Wars trailer. Finally.

Other than that...

The O.C. was great - although I really want to see Teresa, well... die. ER totally blew... I wonder why I keep subjecting myself to that show. Lost was great on Wednesday - Charlie's flashback episode. Poor Charlie, so cute yet so sad. I kinda wish his prick brother had been on the plane and that he would've died. GH sucks so bad these days that I can get through an entire episode in 5 minutes...

I'm so glad it's Friday... what a crap week for this world. Can we please fix the fucking voting system in this country in the next 4 years. PRETTY PLEASE. I mean how many more of these - Whoops! Ohio machine error gives Bush 3,893 extra votes - types of problems are we going to keep letting happen? Let's dump the electoral college and get standard (working) electronic voting systems with paper back up. Moving on.

So everyone gets 2 weeks to celebrate their birthday in my little world and mine is kicking off tonight! Yea for me...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

O.C. Reminder

You didn't think I was gonna mention The O.C. this week did you? Wrong! It's season premiere is tonight 8:00pm on FOX... you know you wanna watch. So just give in.

Double Hee

I love the rest of the world, maybe I should live there:

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Land of Blah

Well, it's official - our country is firmly in the hands of ignorant, arrogant, puritanical freaks. Lovely. I think I'll retreat into my own little world for the next 4 years... cause denial is the American way. I suggest you all create your own little world to help the next 4 years pass by quicker.

Vogue is my bible, which means there's only one choice for the god of my little world: Tom Ford. And on the first day God created sluts:
"What's wrong with sluts? If sluttiness is what you like, what's wrong with that? Why do we think being a slut's bad? Sluttiness is just a lot of freedom."

Now you'd think with Him being god, fashion might be the official religion but the ruling political party in my little world is the libertarian party so there's still religious freedom. My personal religion will be pop culture. This is fun... I'm gonna do some thinking and flesh my little world out a bit.

OK, that is all for now.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Say a Little Pray for Us

1 hour and 5 minutes... that's how long it took me to vote this morning. And I got there at 6:35am cause the Kerry cheerleading squad woke me up at 6:10am. I was slightly pissed until I remembered... it will all be over today. At least, I hope so. Now, don't lose 15 points on my respect-o-meter... VOTE!! I don't know if my idealism is clouding reality but I have a really good feeling about this. I seriously think Kerry is going to win...

Also, if you haven't voted yet (and you live in Ohio) - please vote NO on Issue 1.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Spice Jeans

OK yeah, if it were between a cute pair of jeans "designed" by Posh Spice and a cute pair not "designed" by Posh Spice, Posh's jeans would totally win that battle...

Posh marks fashion debut