Nova Mim

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


This morning as I was reading my daily gossip, I decided to "predict" some future celebrity gossip. So here's 10 to begin with:

  • Halle "I'll never marry again" Berry will marry again w/in 2 years
  • Jennifer Lopez will give birth to a girl in late December/early January
  • J. Lo will divorce Marc Anthony when he publicly cheats on her
  • Winona Ryder will make a major comeback w/in 5 years
  • Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin will divorce before Apple is 3
  • Tobey Maguire & Kirsten Dunst are secretly back together but it won't last
  • Nicole Kidman is having or will have an affair w/Sean Penn, ending his marraige to Robin Wright
  • Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston will have a baby boy w/in 2 years
  • Britney Spears won't marry the back-up dancer
  • Prince William will marry by the age of 27
That's it for now but I'll post more as I think of them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Life Update

Blogger has once again added features, which is why this post looks weird... just wanted to try it all. Anywho - what's going on? It's been a week since I bothered to blog! But I've been busy and sleepy to boot. The Barenaked Ladies concert was pretty damn fun. They give a good show. Alanis wasn't bad.
My garage sale was a minor success... I still have tons of stuff left over so I'll be having another sale at the end of summer. I ended up making $288.00... not bad. I'll take it.
Other than that, not much new. I decided I need a new pair of shoes and a new shirt... :-)
No, I'll never learn!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Weather Advisory

I hope I don't get killed in a hail of, well, hail & lightning tonight at Blossom. It would serve me right for agreeing to go to a concert (Barenaked Ladies & Alanis Morrisette). I don't even like concerts! And I will be very pissed off if the last thing I ever hear is Alanis Morrisette's whiney voice.

Box Office Mojo

This is a fun website to take a look at every once in awhile...

Box Office Mojo

Other than the current box office results (Go Spidey!), it also has list of every all-time record you could think of.

All time domestic gross: Titanic
All time adjusted gross: Gone With the Wind

But the best ones are the "holiday" weekend records:

Super Bowl Weekend: You Got Served with $16,123,105 (barely squeaking past former #1 She's All That)

Wow! I wonder if they've ever tried releasing a good movie on Super Bowl weekend? But my absolute favorite -

Labor Day Weekend: Jeepers Creepers 2 with an astounding $18,365,222 followed by (I'm not making this up, folks) the original Jeepers Creepers.


Garage Selling

It's going to be down to the wire to be ready for my garage sale on Thursday... I might just pull an all-nighter to finish getting stuff ready. I'm still using things that I'm planning on selling!

And my apartment is going to be even more unorganized because I'm getting rid of some pieces of furniture that I use for storage. But I'm hoping to make enough to not only move but to also implement some awesome organizational & storage ideas. I know it sounds like I'm over-estimating the average garage sale take but mine is no average garage sale.

I'm selling no less than 100 clothing items... most barely worn and quite a few never worn. Tags still attached. Plus there's furniture... 3 dressers, 4 dining chairs, an antique garden cart and, oh yeah, an antique cast iron clawfoot tub. There's so much more... more furniture, more fashion, and tons of household and misc junk. And yet, I still have sooooo much stuff. But hey, one step at a time.

Friday, July 09, 2004

How Convenient

Oops... I meant to file these but they "accidentally" fell into the shredder.

Bush military records 'destroyed'

You've got to be kidding me. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but it's way too suspicious that the exact time period "destroyed" is the exact time period in question:

It added that in 1996 and 1997 the microfilm records of "numerous service members" from the first quarter of 1969 and the third quarter of 1972 were ruined. Mr Bush's records from those two periods were among those lost, it said.

The 1969 period is not contentious for Mr Bush, as it is already known he was training to be a pilot at the time.

But in 1972 he moved to Alabama to work on a political campaign, and opponents say he failed to turn up for guard duties during this time.

The lost records might have thrown some light on whether he fulfilled his legal commitment, the paper said.

Not-So-Recent Memories

I originally thought I Love the 90's was a horrible idea...

VH1, it's too early to Love the 90s

but then I changed my mind. It will be nice to revisit it all (and make fun of it all) because right now, it all seems like a blur. I mean, Nirvana was over 10 years ago!! It all seems like yesterday but at the same time... so long ago. Some of the things I hope they don't leave out... My So-Called Life, Greenday, Clueless, Twin Peaks, and Snapple...

"Hi, I'm Rob from Medina. And this is my song about Snapple."

Hee. Sorry, guess you had to be there. But even though I'm sure it'll be funny, it's still possible that the show could go all wrong at about 1995...

Weekend Movie

Since I've already started thinking about my Xmas movie, I thought it would be appropriate to decide what movie I'll see this weekend if I get a chance. And the winner is... Anchorman.

You thought I was going to say Spiderman, didn't you?

Anchorman silly, hilarious

Silly and hilarious... that's a lot to live up to. :-)

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Christmas Movie

It's never too early to think about what movie to see on Christmas Day and the trailer for The Aviator looks pretty good...

Miramax | The Aviator

Past Christmas movies have included... Little Women, Patch Adams, Ali, Cast Away, Cold Mountain, and Catch Me if You Can. It would be kind of interesting to make a complete list... there should be at least 8. Maybe I'll work on that.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

20 Questions to a Better Personality

I found this fun quiz over at Tenth Muse:

Wackiness: 54/100
Rationality: 38/100
Constructiveness: 46/100
Leadership: 66/100

You are a WEDL--Wacky Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you an anarchist. You don't give a damn. When push comes to shove, you just forget about it--it's just not worth the heartache. What this means for others is that dealing with you can be aggravating, because they find they can't get you motivated about things they care about. What this means for you is that you are happier, calmer, and saner then they are on their best days.

You are near-immune to criticism, and those who know you well acknowledge and respect that. You may come across as lazy, but the truth is that you find little to get worked up about. Regardless, you have slews of friends, because they are fascinated by your world view, jealous of your lifestyle, and drawn to the fact that you are hilarious to be around.

You are a pillar in a sea of hot-bloodedness. You have a sweet tooth.

Would you like to see what you are? Take the test

I'm not entirely convinced that I'm not a SEDL... or a dictator. Hee.

America - It Gets Better Everyday

Yes, I realize that even with all it's flaws, America is still a much better place to live than say... Sudan. But then I hear stories like this:

I write badly, therefore I am a would-be terrorist

and I wonder... WTF?? Are the people who are behind Bush seriously up for this kind of abuse of power if it swings in their direction? Or can they not even put 2 and 2 together?

When I'm 64

Happy Birthday to Ringo Starr!

(He's 64 in case you're stupid)

Is That the Best You've Got?

First of all, let me say how happy I am that Kerry picked John Edwards as his VP... I voted for Edwards in the primary (and so did everyone I know). Then let me say, how HI-LAR-IOUS I find it that Shrub is questioning his experience...

Bush Raises Issue of Edwards' Experience to Be VP

Because, you'll remember how much national & international experience (or knowledge) W had before becoming PRESIDENT. To steal a line from a Television Without Pity recap I recently read:

Inside The Guinness Book Of World Records, the biggest pot in the world yells over to the kettle, "Wow, are you looking black!"

Meanwhile - while his "experience" might seem to imply that "Dick Cheney can be president" anytime (shudder, shudder, shudder), I recently read that Cheney is even less popular than W. Maybe even the most hated VP ever. Hee.

She Is As Dumb Is She Looks!!

Of course, I take anything Page 6 reports with a grain of salt. But I totally believe that Britney Spears is dumb enough to marry this "back-up dancer" without a pre-nup. Because it's true love, man. Didn't you see them in People magazine? How could that not last forever?


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

You're Getting Sleepy...

And I'm already sleepy... terribly sleepy with a headache to boot. And this is the first time blogger has worked today so I'm behind on blogging about my weekend and other things.

Weekend: Good & Fun. Watched The Godfather on Friday. Had movie night w/Shani on Saturday. 50 First Dates & Spiderman (I've decided to delete the hyphen from Spiderman's name). Y'all already know how much I love Spiderman so let's talk about 50 First Dates. It was cute and it was better than I thought it would be. I'd consider it a nice one time movie - glad to see it but don't know if I'll ever make the effort to see it again. Uh, that's it.

On Sunday, I cleaned a little. Found more clothes to sell at my garage sale. Also, I watched last year's World Series of Poker. Went to dinner w/Ray who I haven't seen in 6 months. And then I went to see Spiderman 2 again with my brother. And FYI, it's just as good the second time. I forgot to look for the Dr. Pepper product placement though... so I might have to go again. Hee.

And Monday, I didn't feel good so I didn't do much and went to bed early.

I'll get to everything else later.

Friday, July 02, 2004

And Finally...

The NY Times is the absolute best at obituaries and today is no different:

Marlon Brando, Oscar Winning Actor, Is Dead at 80


Alright, it just flashed acrossed the top of MSNBC so this time I'm taking it seriously...

RIP Marlon Brando

Or Live Forever...

I don't know, maybe it'll turn out to be true later but as of now I'm declaring that Marlon Brando is alive and well and eating breakfast.

There's only been one report and it's from Arizona. Plus no reliable or national news organization have picked up the story in the last hour. In the meantime, let's all send happy thoughts in the direction of his one room bungalow.

RIP... Maybe

There are unconfirmed reports that Marlon Brando died today.


Thursday, July 01, 2004

Holy Box Office Batman!

Hey, how come Spider-Man has a dash in it? I like it better without. I mean you don't see Superman or Batman with dumb hyphen, do you? Do you? Umm... where was I? Oh yeah:

Spider-Man 2 wraps up a record

$40,500,000 on a Wednesday! That's decent... :-0

Spiderman, Spiderman (Sing Along)

Saw Spiderman 2 last night.

Best. Sequel. *Ever.

OK, so I've barely had any caffeine and I can kinda think of two other sequels that might challenge the above statement (thus the asterisk). I'll have a sequel film fest at a later date to decide for sure. But it's Spiderman 2 that's fresh on my mind and it was sooooooo good. I'm definitely going to see it again. I'm giving it a 10 on the SM (Superhero Movie) Scale and a 10 on the WS (Watchable Sequel) Scale. I can't wait for Part 3.

Meanwhile, Blogger spell check suggests I replace Spiderman with Subterranean. Hee.


Howard Stern on Britney's 2nd marriage:
I've got things hanging on my fridge that will last longer.