Nova Mim

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Oh yeah - who says there's no such thing as Karma?

I was half way to the license bureau yesterday to renew my plates (a week and a half late already) when I decided I didn't want to be late to work so I'd wake up early today and do it. Meanwhile since I was half way there and Starbucks was right in front of me, I treated myself to a skinny vanilla latte.*

Later that day... I got a ticket for expired plates.

That's it - I wasn't speeding, had my seatbelt on, didn't run a light or anything else. Apparently the cop behind me at the mall was just bored and decided to run my plates.


*In my defense - it only takes 3 minutes to order and receive my latte at Starbucks where as it takes 20-30 minutes just waiting in line to renew plates. Of course this doesn't make up for the fact that I had already had 6 weeks of chances to renew the plates but I'm just trying to defend my actions from yesterday. :-)

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I'm feeling super stretched out after Yoga today... I'm gonna miss class on Thursday.


Monday, November 24, 2003

Ouch!! I have a steam burn on my thumb from my soup. Stupid soup.

Boy - the weather outside IS frightful.

I hate days when it's 60 degrees when I wake up at 8am and by 11:30am it's snowing... but it did give me an excuse to wear my new snow boots and my new hat, scarf & gloves. Mmhmm...

Friday, November 21, 2003

ER last night? That was just dumb... I could think of about 12 other characters I'd rather have smashed under that helicopter than Romano. Here's my top 5 in order:

Abby - god she's a loser... for my sake, put her out of her misery.
The Add a Kid - it's the fucking ER, why is there a non-injured, non-doogie howser kid running around??
Weaver - uber bitch
Malarkey - is it really that easy to fake your way through med school and residency?
Chen - she didn't used to be such a bitch, did she?

Wouldn't it be funny if Romano turned out to be slightly alive and they completely rebuilt him all bionic-like and he walked back into the ER in a couple weeks just as pissed off as ever. Now THAT would be a great story. I mean how dumb is it that he got smooshed by a helicopter and NO ONE noticed. All those witnesses... NO ONE notices some guy just got smooshed, REALLY?????

And what was that whole Chuck storyline - he's dead. No wait - he's alive. Whoa, that's gotta hurt. Oh, nope... nevermind, he's fine. I had a feeling that weren't gonna kill him off what with Susan losing Bob Newhart last week and all... but really.

Meanwhile, who's that wrapped around Carter in the Congo? Why it's Thandie Newton... I'll keep watching because this little twist is bound to piss off Abby.

Abby - worst character ever.

Honestly though, I don't know why I subject myself to this crap.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Speaking of Must See TV -

What is with all the disappearing characters on these shows??

Emma: seems to have magical powers of disappearing & re-appearing without concern from either of her parental units.
Ben: Remember when Emma was born and Ross's dad was all happy about his first Grandchild and Ross was all like, "What about Ben?" Yeah Ross, What about Ben?
Chandler & Joey's Duck and Chicken: Is it just me or did they never explain that one away?

Will & Grace
Jack's son: And no, it doesn't count that he was on ER (or some other show) recently.
Jack's dog: I've seen the inside of Jack's apartment and there was no sign of a dog.
Jack's bird: I've seen the inside of Jack's apartment and there was no sign of a bird.
Leo: Don't even get me started on this one. Clearly NBC disregarded my opinion on all those Will and Grace surveys they sent out last season.

Honorary Must See TV show: Sex and the City
Skipper: Where, oh where, has Skipper gone?? (besides Best Buy commercials) I realize that Miranda & Skipper broke up seasons ago but wasn't he Carrie's friend first?

Character I'd most like to see disappear from Must See TV: Sam's little diabetic muppet son on ER... you can't Add a Kid to ER.

I am suddenly very sleepy...

But not too sleepy to remind everyone that tonight's Must See TV includes the BIGGEST EVENT in ER's History!!!


Whatever is going to happen tonight cannot possibly be as traumatic as watching Bob Newhart blow his brains out on last week's episode. It was especially disturbing that I couldn't get the image out of my head during Bob Newhart scenes in Elf, which I saw the next day.

Now that would kill the sugary-happiness that is the movie Elf - if Papa Elf (Bob Newhart) took out a gun and killed himself after he told Buddy that his entire life as an elf was a lie... that might have been even more disturbing then the spaghetti and poptarts scene. But just barely.


Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Anyway - what I was trying to post before Blogger so rudely fucked me over:

Fox 8 has come up it's best "news" story ever:

Buddy Sex!!

That right people - there's this "new" relationship catagory out there: Friends with benefits.... apparently it means (and this just what Fox 8 tells me): friends who have sex with friends!

The shock!! The horror!!


Where do they come up with stuff???? And you should hear the commercial for this "special report"... it sounds just like one of those "investigative" reports that the local "news" people love so much. Like Fox 8 has just uncovered a growing epidemic of fuck buddies and now... you know, I can't for the life of me come up with ANY possible news angle on this one.

What the FUCK!! Blogger is pissing me off - I've lost 2 posts in the last 2 days... GRRRRRRRR.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I want chicken for dinner...

just thought I'd share.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I know what I'll be doing the day after Thanksgiving and it ain't shopping... I'll be on my ass in front of the TV for Sonnylicious on Soapnet.

Hmmm.... Sonnylicious - I like that. Maybe I'll replace Yummy with that.

Just for the record people - when an apartment building seems to have a lot of "character" it probably just has a lot of building code violations...

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

The interweb sucks today... so slow... it's throwing my whole day off.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Sweet, sweet heat... I'm not sure it will last but it's currently 80 degrees in my apartment.

Monday, November 10, 2003

"Map out your future, but do it in pencil."

- Jon Bon Jovi

So besides sleeping this weekend I also watched a lot of movies... here's what I thought of them:

Love Actually - Very good.

Intolerable Cruelty - Not so good.

Better Luck Tomorrow - Pretty good.

All the Real Girls - Good.

It's not easy staying awake when it's 50 degrees in your apartment which is why I was in bed by 10pm on both Friday and Sunday. Sad but true. It's also not easy to get out of bed when it's that cold...

There was heat on Saturday night though so at least I didn't sleep the whole weekend.

Friday, November 07, 2003

This is sooooo fun:

Jamal's Movie Page

1. What food do you like that most people hate?

I don't know that I like anything other people hate... well, I like drunken goat cheese which Sage hates and I like lamb which Rocky hates. But that's all I've got.

2. What food do you hate that most people love?


3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?

Keanu Reeves - Josh Hartnett - Ashton Kutcher - Pamela Anderson - Jennifer Garner

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find attractive?

David Letterman

5. What popular trend baffles you?

Pretty much anything 80's revival-like but especially these boots.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Power Yoga rocks...

That's all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Favorite new dumb american phrase:


Overheard in use by the older lady in charge of my ballot at my voting location this morning.


Which reminds me - don't risk losing major points off Michelle's respect-o-meter:


Only in Ohio can it be 79 degrees on Tuesday and 38 degrees on Saturday.

OK, I don't watch The View (because quite honestly, they all scare me...) but I'm still rooting for Rachel from Real World San Francisco to be the new cohost:

"The View" Spies Cohost