Nova Mim

Friday, May 28, 2004

Pop Quiz

So I'm watching a Friends rerun last night. It was The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs. It's a Thanksgiving episode and Ross won't eat dinner until he names all 50 states. He can't remember one, yada yada yada... you get the point. Anyway, I thought this was lame so I decided to test myself and try to name the states myself.

It's actually a very frustrating process... try it. This is how it will go. You'll immediately get 46 of them, like I'd say within 5 minutes. At this point you'll be chuckling to yourself, "hehehe, this is so easy!" Then it'll take you about 15 additional minutes to remember 3 more. Then it'll all be down to one and I'll bet you it'll take you hours to think of it. Or you'll just give up and look up the answer which we'll almost certainly be one of the states west of Illinois that are all sorta shaped the same. Go ahead, try it.

I'm not ashamed to say that I never got the last one and finally looked it up... I mean, I remembered all the important ones. Hee. Why do we need 50 states anyway? Or even better, why ONLY 50 states? Why not 62 or 75? And don't tell me we ran out of space... I mean we got Alaska & Hawaii, didn't we? I hear there are some very nice islands in the Caribbean. And Mexico & Canada? We could take them. Let's stop pretending we wouldn't all be happy with world domination... personally I think we should start with Australia.


When I finally get to move and get a dog, I'm going to be one of those people. You know those people who put outfits on their dog... I especially love lil' things like this raincoat:

Too cute.


Lunch Disasters

I just bit into my Uncrustable and a big glob of piping hot peanut butter & jelly fell out onto my keyboard & sweater sleeve. Grrr... who knew pb&j could burn. And let me tell ya... grape jelly is the last thing you want to be trying to clean off a keyboard. Seriously.

I'm glad we got a brand new table for our kitchen. Now I can start taking a little break away from my desk to eat. Fun! I hope we get our lil' bistro set for the deck soon, cause it would be fun to eat outside during the summer.

Oh, Please...

Avril Lavigne is warning us not to call her punk... honey, you're about as punk as Christina Aguilera. Just because you dress like a tomboy and act angry, it doesn't make you punk or deep or anything more than another pop-tart playing a character to sell CD's.

Don't call me punk, Avril Lavigne warns

Thursday, May 27, 2004


So I decided for a change to listen to 104.1 at work today... and I will never make that mistake again. The afternoon DJ might actually be retarded. (As I'm writing this post, I've learned that 104.1's Madonna song of choice is also Like A Prayer... WTF?)But the real point to this story is that this DJ has an afternoon contest where she asks a stupid question and lots of stupid people call in and guess wrong. Today's was:

The average woman has 4 of these but only uses 2, what is it?

Let me tell you what none of the people who guessed had even 2 of... brain cells. Of the 10 callers that the tard-farmer DJ put on the air - 7 of them guessed purses. The one thing that bugs me the most about radio contests is when people continually guess the same wrong answer. And besides... what woman only owns 4 purses?

I already know that I'm not an average woman when it comes to owning stuff but 4 purses still sounds way low to me. I probably own 30. Minimum. Another answer was just as dumb to me but I thought a little more realistic for the average woman: Bras. Me, I've got at least 20 of those. It was the wrong answer, too.

The other 2 answers were lipstick (wrong) and perfume (right). Which leads me to... perfume? Really? I'm gonna have to ask around about this cause that seems wrong to me. And how would anyone know this anyway? It's not a census question, is it?

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Land of the Free

I love free stuff! Last night @ Target I got a free 10 pack of Duracell AA batteries w/my purchase of the LOTR: The Return of the King DVD. It was a nice surprise @ the checkout.

Although I learned later that I could have gotten AAA batteries instead... I use those all the time. In my mp3 player, in all my remotes. If only I'd known.

Or Will He?

My godson is going to clean his room today. Or so his mother says. Hee. I'll believe it when I see it.

Shani should probably take a picture if he does cause she's right, it doesn't take those two kidlings more than 2 minutes to undo her cleaning. And there's a lot of 2 minutes between now and Saturday.

Meanwhile, how funny is it that I got involved the other night with telling a child to clean his room. Poor kid... if only he could go back in time and see my room from when I was 7. Or 10. Or 15. Hell, let's be honest - I didn't clean my room on a regular basis until I moved into my own place. 2 years ago. Hehehe. It's funny being "grownup" and being "the grownup" is even funnier.

The Other White Cheese

Clearly, I need to work on my toasted goat cheese sandwich technique but it was still a yummilicious lunch. Maybe I'll try one with drunken goat cheese sometime. Mmmm... drunken goat cheese. Best. cheese. ever.

Sage doesn't like goat cheese cause it's "too much" - not cost wise but flavor wise. Which I think is weird cause the guy eats raw fish... blek. And doesn't that have something to do with flavor? But to each his own, right? I mean Rocky doesn't like lamb and I love it.

It's just so rare that I like something that other people don't. Or is it? Maybe people are just projecting that opinion of me onto me. I like what I like and I'm not one for settling for less than what I want.

And somehow this post got horribly off topic.

Goat cheese = good.

Madonna: The mother of Reinvention

Sounds like a great concert... why haven't I won tickets yet?

Madonna: The mother of Reinvention

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The Days of My Life

I actually have lots to blog about including how Serendipity (the car) has changed my moving plans (and not for the better) but I'm terribly tired and just want to mention the most important thing:

Shani has a blog!

Yea! She picked the template that I wanted before formatting got in the way... smart girl.

As for all the other stuff, you'll just have to be patient.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Uh-Oh The Interweb

Through the power of the internet I have found an answer to my earlier question:

In 1965, Jimmie Rodgers, a popular music star and teen idol at the time, convinces Campbell's executives to add the "Uh-Oh SpaghettiOs" line to their advertising jingle. This catchy tune helps propel SpaghettiOs to instant success and is still used in advertising for the brand.

Uh-Oh SpaghettiOs

Did that used to be in their commercials or something? I say it (sing it even) everytime I come in contact with SpaghettiOs... weird. Either way, I'm enjoying the biggest bowl of SpaghettiOs for lunch - yum. I love 'em. Rocky swears she's never in her life had SpaghettiOs... I'm not sure if I believe her. It sounds a bit suspect.

My New Bike

I finally got a bike and it rocks! Here's a pic:

Now all I need is an inhaler and I'm ready to go! Hee!

Friday, May 21, 2004


Remind me not to see The Dukes of Hazzard movie... why does Jessica Simpson have to ruin everything?

Jessica Puts Up Her Dukes

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Seinfeld & Superman

I love these...

The Adventures of Seinfeld & Superman

FOX Fall Schedule

Dear Fox,

Don't fuck with me. I already have Thursday night TV allegiances. Please leave my precious O.C. on Wednesdays. Think about it... why would you move one of your most popular shows when it's kicking ass in it's current timeslot? Especially to Thursday, the most competitive night on TV. Competitive if your NBC or CBS, that is. And your not. Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it? Let me answer that for you: yes, it's stupid. Please fix it. Now about that no reruns of The O.C. during the summer thing...


Zap2it - TV news - FOX Offers a Schedule for All Seasons

A Night at Michelle's Apartment

Wait, that's sounds a little pornish. I didn't mean it that way though. Really.

I just got my latest Amazon order which included The Marx Brothers Collection. Yea!!! All their movies aren't in the set but it's hours of fun nonetheless.

So that's what I'll be doing tonight. Watching hours of Marx Brothers movies starting with A Night at the Opera (get it now, perverts?)... and moving on from there. Somehow I think I'll be singing "Lydia, the Tattooed Lady" all weekend.

I'm gonna practice my new found knitting skills while I watch, hopefully finishing a basic dishcloth before next week's class. And I also got 2 new books (to add to the pile of 20 I haven't gotten to yet): The Classic Ten - The True Story of the Little Black Dress and Nine Other Fashion Favorites & What Would Buffy Do? - The Vampire Slayer as Spiritual Guide. I just had to buy the WWBD book. Hee... WWBD - I'm gonna make a bracelet with that on it.

Angel McBeal... Bygones

Best of Angel McBeal finale:

Spike the poet - Hee. Brilliant Buffyverse continuity.
Wesley bites the dust. Finally.
Spike, Angel & Harmony "live" - Hee.
Did I mention Spike the Poet? Double hee.
Never having to watch this show again. Priceless.

Worst of Angel McBeal finale:

Ummm, (pretty much) everything else.

All together is wasn't a bad series finale. I liked that they kept it open for further Buffyverse fun.

The five faces of Madonna

Man, I'm so sad that I'm gonna miss Madonna on tour this summer. - The five faces of Madonna

Maybe I'll win the lotto and can buy some of those $800 tickets that are still available. Meanwhile, I'll try to win some. MTV & VH1 are giving away tickets in May & June. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Barbie's Dream House

Ok, not Barbie's... it just sounded better in the title. I've always wanted to live in a treehouse. Not sure why. But I'd decorate the interior much better then these people did.

Couple's Cottage in the Sky

Monday, May 17, 2004

Everybody Hates HBO

Everyone who cares is pretty pissed about the fact that HBO has split up the final season of Sex and the City into 2 DVD sets. I was mighty pissed off myself until I realized that buying 7 DVD sets @ $30/set is $210. Meanwhile, if I had subscribed to HBO every month for the last 6 years I would have shelled out $720 to see every episode. And I wouldn't be able to pop in a disc and watch any episode, anytime. The only thing that I'm still pissed off about is that I have to wait even longer for the 2nd half of season 6.

And that I can't just pop in season 2 and watch my favorite episode "They Shoot Single People, Don't They?" because someone borrowed seasons 1 & 2 - 4 months ago. But that's off topic.

Sex and the City - Season Six, Part 1

Apple Martini

Ha! Apple Martini... that's a good one. First pics of Gwyneth's new baby:

Make Mine an Apple Martin-i

Armageddon?? Where are you?

Amazingly, gays have been legally married in this country for a whole 2 and 1/2 hours and the sky has not begun raining fire. I'm shocked!! Maybe it's a delayed reaction thing? Rocky & Sage still seem to be happily married this morning. Shouldn't their heterosexual marriage have spontaneously combusted right after the first gay couple said I do?

Now, what I am not shocked by is the religious kooks from all over this "great" nation who flew to Massachusetts to hold up signs that say things like: "God Hates Fags." Oh, but he loves judgmental freaks like you, right? You know what I'm guessing God hates? Smug-ass humans thinking they have any idea what His opinions are. In fact, I'm willing to bet that God hates us all and has moved on to create a new universe somewhere. I would if I were Him.

Massachusetts Performs First Legal Gay Marriages

Anna Lee

Aw... Lila died. I've missed her on GH.

Anna Lee, veteran film and TV actress, dead at 91

Mmmm.... Brad Pitt

Went to see Troy on Friday. I don't remember my made up rating system for movies so I'll make up something new for Troy. It gets an 8 on the WWE (Watchable War Epic) scale. It loses 2 points in the WWE category cause they clearly took some liberties with the story. And also, they must have had great engineers on the beach of Troy to build the most awesome looking wooden horse ever out of some boats... in 12 days. Bygones. Still very good.

On a less serious note, Troy gets a 10 on the NNB (nearly naked Brad) scale. A 10 because even when Achilles had all his clothes on, he was still only wearing the equivalent of a mini skirt & tank top. Wow! What a body. Brad Pitt has achieved off the chart yumminess.

I'd highly recommend this movie.

Troy tops box office

Saturday, May 15, 2004

How 'bout them apples?

Hee. Sorry, it was the only apple joke I knew. And why the apple joke, you ask?

Cause Gwyneth's had her baby. It's a girl, named Apple.

A name so rare, it's not even in the database. I guess the rumors of a boy named Bruce were wrong.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Frasier Finale

I thought that the Frasier series finale was perfect last night (except for the fake baby). Very funny and sweet.

Frasier receives a fitting send-off

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Angel McBeal

I was watching Ally McBeal reruns the other day and thinking: how did this show go so horribly wrong it's last season? Especially when the previous season was so good?

Of course, I knew the answer to that question. Not enough Ling or John Cage. No Larry at all. Too much Jenny & Glenn. Way too much Jon Bon Jovi & Dame Edna. And worst of all - the add-a-kid. Maddie, I think her name was. Just horrible idea on top of more horrible ideas. But Ally McBeal isn't the point to this post.

Nope this little rant is about another once watchable TV show gone wrong: Angel

What has happened to this show? I was watching it last night, you know, cause there's only 2 episodes left. Oh. my. god. It was dreadful. So much in fact that I had to leave the faux-TiVo to do it's thing and put in a movie instead. Later when I went back to it, I was so glad I had the power of fast forward at my fingertips.

Rewind to the start of this season - I was so looking forward to watching Angel. And I did. I loved the Spike/Angel interactions & you can't go wrong with Harmony, right? I'd learned to like most of the previously added characters: Lorne, Fred, Gunn, etc.

Let's rewind even further, back to Angel's beginning as the spawn of the Buffyverse. I always knew that Angel wasn't gonna be as good as Buffy but it's never been unwatchable. In my opin, the first seasons were the best. Before they completely deleted all signs of the orginal Cordelia. And don't even get me started on Connor. Still, for the most part I kept up with it. But about midseason, I could no longer ignore the fact that it just wasn't keeping my interest anymore.

Luckily, there was a five-week hiatus around this time. In that five weeks I found other things to watch and finally, giving in to the power of The O.C., I had a new Wednesday show. But it wasn't the end of Angel for me yet. Because I now had the power of faux-TiVo in my hands. So I faux-TiVoed The O.C. and watched Angel. Or at least I tried. I could barely get through an episode. So I switched to faux-TiVoing Angel and watching The O.C.

Then Cordelia came back. This episode, You're Welcome, would be the end of my Angel loyalty. Why? Cause they killed Cordelia. Enough said.

Back to last night's show. With The O.C. season over and Angel on it's way out permanently, I said bygones and watched. What a mistake. I was literally cursing Joss Whedon's name by the end of it. I'm still cringing. Mostly at Amy Acker who, as much as I loved as Fred, does not have the skills to pull off a blue-haired meanie. I'm not putting the blame all on that though. Somehow, the TPTB have managed to make Spike uninteresting, Wesley even more uninteresting, and the rest of them just plain awful, Angel included.

So from now until the end of time, this show shall be referred by me as: Angel McBeal.


I've been waiting and waiting for Dead or Alive 3 to come out for PS2 for 3 years. Not only is that not happening anytime soon but there releasing another Dead or Alive just for Xbox.

At E3, old stuff is new again

I wanna go...

Man, why didn't they have this going on when I was in Orlando 2 months ago?

Walt Disney World Resort - Star Wars Weekends

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Let's Go to the Movies!

I'm promising myself right here and now that I will see at least 10 movies this summer. I've only been to the movies 2x so far this year! What's with that?

Since the summer movie season starts in May, I'm going to start this weekend with:


Other must-see & hope-to-see movies:

Spiderman 2

Before Sunset

The Day After Tomorrow

The Terminal

Coffee and Cigarettes

Garden State

Raising Helen



The Bourne Supremacy

The Stepford Wives

The Village

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

The Manchurian Candidate

And that's all I can find... right now. I may add more later.

Try, try again.

This is one of the earlier posts that didn't happen. But not the awesomely brilliant one. Sorry...

Anywho - maybe you don't care about this but I don't care if you don't care cause it's my blog. And I'm oddly excited about the new Google Blog.

Speaking of Google... did I tell you about the cool magnetic pins they handed out at PubCon that light up? So pulsating-ly bright they could probably cause seizures? No? Well, I'm telling you now - they rock. Hours of fun for the easily amused.

No Luck!

I've already lost 2 posts today... the fuck? One was awesomely brillant, too. No, really. And it's just not the same trying to recreate a post so you're outta luck for now!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

All Fixed Now!

I fixed my archives today. By myself. Yea for me! Of course, I probably also fucked them up by myself...


The O.C. Part Deux?

If they call it The O.C. Florida can I sue?

Fox Seeks More "O.C." Heat

Monday, May 10, 2004


Wouldn't it be great if Andy Kaufman really had faked his own death? And he sauntered in to his own party wearing Latka's mechanic uniform or as Tony Clifton? That would be awesome. Unfortunately - I feel we'll all be disappointed on May 16.

Party set for Andy Kaufman just in case

What's With the Red?

I don't know - what do you think of titles? I'm not a fan of the red... but maybe I'll keep them. Maybe. And what about comments? Would it make any of you happy to be able to leave comments on my blog? Hmmm, I think I'll try 'em... take advantage while you can, it may not last.

Trying this title thing

A shout out to Sage for helping me fix my little formatting issue... it turns out I need to use a few less haha's.

There seems to be formatting issues with the blogger templates I'm choosing... I'll try to fix them when I have more time.

Blogger has a whole new look - which is confusing to me on a Monday morning. Hee. Anywho - I'm going to use one of their spiffy new templates until I finish my own website.. someday.

Friday, May 07, 2004

I love me some Smucker's Uncrustables - the peanut butter and grape jelly ones are awesome - 'specially if you toast them. Mmmm. Anywho - I decided to try the new Grilled Cheese Uncrustables, which you microwave. Unfortunately they don't provide the cooking instructions on the individual packages... so I unknowingly microwaved it for 2 1/2 minutes. Umm - I guess your only suppose to put it in for 30-40 seconds. Whoops - there's now no cheese left in my Uncrustable. Yet, oddly, it's still edible.

Now I know. And knowing is half the battle... right?

While I'm on the subject of TV...

In keeping with the Friends finale hoopla I decided to watch the Tonight Show last night instead of David Letterman. Can someone tell me how the hell that show gets better ratings then Dave? Anybody? Jay Leno has to be the most unfunny person to ever masquerade as a comedian. I wanted to throw something at my TV during his monologue (and we all know how much I love my TV).

Worst. Host. Ever.

I know you're all DYING to know what I thought of the Friends series finale. So let me indulge you (me):

What I liked:

Ross and Rachel ending up together.
Gunther declaring his love for Rachel. Hee.
The baby chick & duck.
That they all had keys to an apartment that was never locked.
Paul Rudd. I love Paul Rudd.

What I didn't like:

There was very little Joey & Phoebe closure.
The fake babies - it's impossible for actors to make holding fake babies look real.
Why did Rachel have to choose Ross OVER Paris? Don't they have dinosaurs in Europe?
Why weren't all the friends at the hospital for this birth like they were for Ben, the triplets and Emma?
Speaking of Emma????????? How about a spinoff in 10-15 years where she ends up in therapy because her parents ignore her existence.
I hate the name Erika. Nobody should name a baby Erika.
That it ended at 10:05 therefore rendering my TiVo-ing useless.

I know it seems like I didn't like an awful lot but all in all I was happy with it.

Rachel stays, so 'Friends' are able to leave together

Blah... the friday five has been discontinued. That blows.

Well, this explains a lot...

'O.C.' star says she has no stylist

I think the media has misdiagnosed that the popularity of The O.C. has everything to do with Mischa Barton. She'd be something like 6th or 7th on the popularity scale of O.C. characters - barely above Hailey.

Anywho - the point to this post is that Mischa Barton really, really needs to hire a stylist.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Damn... The season finale of The O.C. was suicide-inducing last night. I'm not so much worried about Ryan going back to Chino cause seriously, the shows called The O.C. and he's the main character. That dumb Theresa will lose that baby in no time and he'll run back to his preying mantis, I mean Marissa by the 3rd episode.

No, it was poor lil' Seth on his lil' boat - where's he going on that little boat? There's no way he's gonna make it to Tahiti on that thing. It's not even really a boat, it's more like a big surfboard with a sail. It the same kinda "boat" that the idiot teenagers from Jaws 2 had and I seem to remember that half of them didn't make it to the end of that movie. And while I'm sure they aren't going to kill off Seth Cohen and that Adam Brody isn't really on a big surfboard w/a sail in the middle of the ocean, it's not going to make the wait to the new season any easier.

And speaking of the wait until next season... why can't Fox just show reruns during the summer? And why do they have to wait until the end of baseball to start their popular shows' new seasons? Why?

I have very little hope for fall TV... it's down to The O.C. and Scrubs. I'm highly doubtful that Will & Grace will jump back over the shark that was this whole season but I'll give it a shot. And I'll extend the same courtesy to Joey. But lord knows they aren't thinking up 5 nights of brillant new shows at the TV networks anytime soon. I'm gonna try North Shore during the summer but I don't think it'll be another O.C. Blah, blah, blah - I'm done now.